Wednesday, November 8, 2023

On Abortion

 Because Christians are in fact Satanists, it's not about abortion. 

 "It’s non-strategic, purely based on religious feeling."
 They lose because Satan loves it when you suffer and fail. If they started winning they would sabotage themselves. 

 Satanists say they worship the god of love because they worship self-hatred. 




 America is a Satanic Fascist theocracy, so it's all backwards day. The pro-life Christians think abortion is fine. The pro-choice crowd thinks abortion is bad, and that's why they're doing it.

 If you really thought abortion was child sacrifice, you would kidnap pregnant women and forcibly prevent abortion doctors from reaching them. You might even have abortion-prone women locked up to prevent them from having sex and getting pregnant in the first place. You wouldn't...put stickers on things and, like, bitch about it. Your greatest show of resistance wouldn't be sitting around quietly, but in public.

 The pro-life crowd isn't pro-life. It's about failure.

 The other thing you would do: stop trying to conquer a nuclear-armed country with mean rhetoric. The Amish don't have abortions. If you renounce America, you can solve the ""problem"" immediately. They're trying to change America as a whole before cleaning their rooms because it won't work. 


 It's also about being a criminal.

 If someone else is sinning, whose business is that? It's God's business. It's none of yours.
They're motivated by traitorous meddling.

 I would say it's about bullying, but they're so devout about failure that it's all form and no function. If any of it succeeded it would be about forcing a known delusion on someone else through mob hate and peer pressure. Control purely for the sake of tyranny.

 Hence, a lot of it is about making folk feel bad. Trying to make them feel like a worthless outcast. Just pure hate. However, we include self-hate. Primarily about making themselves feel bad. Satan would have approved. 


 As we can see, it's turning out wonderfully They are indeed failing horribly and feeling like total losers as a result. Everything working as intended. Someone who hates themselves that much clearly deserves it. Justice wins again. 


 Also note that if you really really thought abortion was child sacrifice and you weren't a dishonourable, irresponsible traitor, you really wouldn't do anything about it. Not your children, not your problem. Unless they're sacrificing your children, it's between them and God. And indeed, it's best if such an evil polity sacrifice all their children and cease to exist. "Geeze man, why only some? Abort them all!" More justice more better.

 But, remember, the pro-choice crowd think it really is murder; they're trying to sully and damn their own souls. Self-desecration as expression of self-hatred. They can't abort them all because someone has to hate themselves in the future.

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