Wednesday, November 22, 2023

If You Hate Jews, Support the ADL

 Jews got smart due to persecution. They couldn't hold regular jobs and had to be bankers instead because ""usury"" was banned for gentiles. The manual-labour class of European Jews all starved to death. 

 How to reverse this? To lay waste to the Jews? Coddle them. Let them get away with everything. Rapid debasement is guaranteed. 

 Look at what civil rights has done to Bantu.

 Look at what feminism has done to women.

 Yield to the ADL. Ensure Anglin and MacDonald keep disparaging and discrediting wignats by association. 

 I'm not at all joking about explicitly banning the Christian races from university campuses and revoking divorce for specifically Europeans. Why stop there? Drivers' licenses. Homeownership. Make persons of pallor completely unmarriageable as seen by anyone with a hint of colour. 

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