Anti-nihilism is moral nihilism, and if anything, nihilism is true morality.
Nietzsche noticed that universal morality is a contradiction in terms, and good for him. The problem is you immediately uncover an underlying issue: if we're not deciding what to do on 'moral' terms, how are we deciding what to do? There are still correct and incorrect decisions. We've merely removed a broken scam that was pretending to tell them apart. Our insight has shown us that we do not, in fact, know the difference between incorrect and correct. Don't know what to look for (which is how the scam took traction in the first place).
What did [[Morality]] claim to be trying to do? What are you trying to do? How are such things done?
To have a purpose, one must have a goal. To have a goal, one must have desires.
The point of ""morality"" is to satisfy your desires.
The core of kosmos is desire.
If it were decay, the cosmos could never advance beyond a seed.
It cannot be perfection and stasis, or nothing would happen, not even thoughts such as gratitude.
Existence is change. Existence is desire. Kosmos is growth. The very core of Existence is the desire to Exist but moreso.
The Christians produce a lot of high-flying rhetoric to camouflage the fact that morality is but a tool of desire. They say there's someone bigger who has better desires than you. Unfortunately for anyone who loathes falsehood, this is exactly the same as the thing they allegedly oppose. Consciousness => desires. If sky daddy's desires lead you to a better life, they were your desires all along. If they don't, then sky daddy is a traitorous demon who wants you to suffer. Big consciousness might mean high-perceived-status consciousness, but it doesn't necessarily mean better, wiser consciousness.
The point of any tool is to satisfy your desires. The Christian sky daddy is nothing but a tool with more decoration than substance, and the decoration is all glamour.
Morality, especially universal morality, only has any scholarly weight if it runs contrary to your desires. It is necessarily a traitorous scam. A tool that can only be used to attack those who consider the user their ally. Morality inherently opposes and suppresses desire, which means it opposes and suppresses value. It is inherently dishonourable and inglorious. Every connotation of [nihilism] is in truth carried by universal morality. It is universal morality that is shabby, dirty, depraved, and empty. Below, I will show that universal morality is the philosophy of decay, failure, and suffering.
Nihilism, then, is support of desire. The exaltation of goals and achievement. It is nihilism that surrenders and submit to the truth that value is valuable.
Nihilism is the philosophy that consciousness should succeed. Consciousness should get what it wants. Consciousness should be satisfied.
Desire fundamentally is about change. Desire wishes the universe to evolve into something materially different. Desire is growth; desire wants the cosmos to be more than it already is.
Consequently its opposite, universal morality, must necessarily be a desire for decay and oppression. An inherently self-loathing desire-to-destroy-desires. Note that ""master"" morality is still a universal morality. Nietzsche himself was a worshipper of failure.
It is now very easy to explain local or nihilist morality. It is wisdom. Rather than the difference between ""right"" and ""wrong"" (truly loathsome profanities) it is the difference between correct and incorrect. If you desire wood it is the difference between trying to cut wood with a saw instead of trying to cut wood with a pencil. It is knowing the effects and consequences of your actions so you can choose the ones that further your desires. Secondarily, I'll mention it's knowing which desires you truly value, and which are mere whims.
A functioning local morality is nothing more than a set of habits which work. Which are effective. Which are good tools to the owners, the members of the local society. All the sanctimonious moralizing and glamorizing myths about these tools are just that - sanctimonious myths.
A cooperator is merely someone who is willing to trade and uphold someone else's desires in exchange for upholding their own. A defector desires to trample desire. A defector inherently justifies - usually deviants claim justification is necessary - the sabotage of the defector themselves. If desires ought to be trampled, then trample the desire to trample desires. I mean, duh. Be especially sure to do that one first. Defectors are self-loathing. You should agree; loathe them too.
Note that wisdom is very much subordinate to desire. No course of action can be correct or incorrect without a desire to compare it to. Without a desire, you can't have goals, without goals, you can't have a purpose. Consciousness comes first, along with the desires which are the inherent nature of consciousness in the same way that mass is an inherent quality (and quantity) of physical energy.
P.S. I especially like how anti-Buddhist I find Reality to be.