Friday, January 19, 2024

Women Can't Not Fear

 Ironically, women are poorly-adapted to a safe environment.
 At best, they need a protector, and if they don't have one, this happens:

 Female fear circuits simply assume there's a threat. If they don't find anything to be afraid of, they don't conclude there's nothing fearsome, they assume it's hiding and get even more afraid. "The predator is here! The predator is here! And I can't even see it!

 Then they forget they can't see it. Instead they take the list of known minor hazards and assume the biggest one is a major hazard instead. E.g. ncov. Because there's nothing to be afraid of, women assume ncov is going to kill them and their family. "I found it!" 

 ("You didn't find it you retard, you confabulated." "I said I found it!" "Yeah, it was just pretending to be a harmless cough, but I'm onto you!" Thanks, generations of men who thought [airhead] was cute. Thanks a lot. "She needs me! You can tell because she's dumb as a post!" Now we have the proudest airheads, the Dunningest Krugers.)

 Naturally 'biggest' isn't assessed by actual threat % or by associates suffering from it, but by how often it shows up on CNN or instagram whatever. 

 If you tell a woman having this kind of woman moment that there's nothing to be afraid of, she won't think, "Huh, maybe there's nothing to be afraid of," she'll just assume you're a slacker who can't see what's in front of his nose. 

 Because women can't not fear, there must be something to be afraid of. 

 Perhaps women like immigration because it validates their fear.
 All the fear she's feeling wasn't because bitches be loco, it was because she might get shanked walking down the street. Due to fuzzy female perception of time, it even validates fear she felt before the immigrants arrived. How convenient. 

 ("See!? SEE!? I need a protector! Bitches don't be loco!" "...." "What?!?" "........") 

 Since all Americans are women, the biologically female typically don't feel like they have a protector. Some of them can be cured. "Fear not my dear, I shall protect you from all germs, microbes, miasmatic gases, bad feng shui, and disappointing newspaper horoscopes!" She doesn't understand the ""hazard"" isn't hazardous, but she understands there's something between it and her. ("You can interdict the stars? Wow! I believe you because I'm wet!") 

 Since she doesn't understand her man isn't superman, if she does get the 1-in-millions long covid or whatever, she will nuke your relationship through no fault of yours. She won't think, "He tried his best," she will think you don't really care for her - like you really can punch corona virions out of the air, but you couldn't be arsed to do it on her behalf. Low-resolution thinking: more powerful than her is transmuted into all-powerful, to save on the cognitive resources. A binary (powerful/powerless) takes up less space than a scalar. You can go wordcelibate and don't have to be numerate.
 Sometimes this can be dealt with by scaping a goat. Piling lies on top of lies. ("You would have never caught it except for those dastardly Jews! Please keep screwing me!")

 Many women understand the government owns them, and are trying to petition their ""husband"" to get off his ass and do his job. When this consistently makes the problem worse, they know they can't divorce the government, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. They've tried nagging before, but do you have a better idea? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 Of course, some of them are so batshit they can't calm down even with a perfectly valid protector.

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