Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Whiteness is Communism

 A good term for Hajnal Europeans is the Christian races. Certainly they all deny their Christianity these days, but that is, if anything, evidence in favour of the proposition. 

 Christianty = Communism.*

 This means the Christian races are the Communist races. 


 Like, you get it, right? Of course they are. Communism is suicidal. Whites are ethnomasochist. Whites are suicidal because they're Communist. 

 Now that you've thought of it, it can't possibly be called anything other than the Communist races. 


 Any European that wants to survive must discard their Europeanness.  

 The woke are indeed more correct than the mainstream: whiteness is the problem. (It's just that wokeness is whiteness, whoops.) 

 If you don't want to adopt suicidal anti-paleness, you must denounce pale one thinking. Anyone who doesn't will be assumed to be suicidal and their death assumed to be merely supply meeting demand.

*(To be precise, Communism with unprincipled exceptions. Impure Communism. Pure Communism is pure Annihilation, it always has to be adulterated with something...)

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