Saturday, January 20, 2024

Welkin Tales: Lucifer's Liver Worship

 Immortals don't die simply because they lose vital organs. Indeed their vitality is such that the lost organ itself won't necessarily die. When Lucifer ripped out his own liver (yellow chakra) not only did it survive, it broke into three pieces which all individually survived long enough to regrow a rest of the body. 


 When Lucifer arrived here, in the underworld, he failed to properly incise the separation between himself and the native inhabitants. Lucifer felt compassion for the shades and shadows of the dead, the result of which was Lucifer ingesting psychic poison. Whenever he contacted the natives, their resentment was duplicated and became his resentment. 

 Of course, mortals see the causation in reverse. If they were wise they wouldn't have died.
 In Reality shades don't resent the living because they're dead, they're dead because they resented the living. Death's call came from inside the house. They tried living in denial, which is why they have few memories of resenting the living while still alive. They refused to cease denial, and consequently the contradiction was resolved by cessation of life.

 Presumably Lucifer shouldn't have come at all, but the circumstances of the fire heaven are well beyond my ken, as are the events of his blazing arrival.
 Still: it was none of your business, superman. Should have left well enough alone.


 Ingested toxins are concentrated by the liver. Chemical toxins can be chemically transmuted to nontoxins, or at least contained within an inert shell. Lots of them are themselves mortal and decay with time, meaning [waiting] is an antidote. Spiritual toxins don't work like that. Resentment is resentment. No fancy perspective, careful logic, or passing of time can show it's anything other than resentment. It must be rejected. Judged, condemned, and excised. 

 However, the root of the problem was Lucifer's twisted compassion. Meddlesome and irresponsible. Lucifer refused to reject his compassion, and consequently couldn't reject the associated resentment. However, the resentment was conveniently gathered in a particular region: the liver. 

 Lies are cancerous.
 To retain compassion for the dead shades, Lucifer had to accept their resentment was provisionally valid. Had to have sympathy for their errors. Thus, he resonated with their errors, in sympathy.

 Lucifer, having been driven insane by lying to himself, thought the liver was the source of the resentment, instead of the organ protecting the rest of himself from resentment. He sliced himself open and removed the "source" of the weakness. It even muted his compassion, as intended.

 The suicidal symbology of self-harm caused him to die. While he removed his, so to speak, accumulated resentment debt, all future resentment ran wild throughout his system, resulting in systemic failure. Lucifer couldn't regain balance by regenerating a yellow chakra, as having no yellow chakra was exactly his expressed intent, regardless of what he told himself. As an inevitable side-effect, he also removed all parts of himself that wanted to be whole, and could no longer even conceive of health. His seven other chakras heard that results are intent, decided being cut from the gestalt and splitting into three parts was what Lucifer wanted for chakras, and thus did exactly that. To do otherwise would have meant rejecting Luciferness itself. Of course, not doing otherwise also rejected Luciferness, as Lucifer had rejected himself. 

 For reference, the eight spiritual organs are the cloaca, the gut, the liver, the heart, the voice, the eyes, the brain, and the spine. Apparently the lungs are part of the liver.

 You can also see the above events as Lucifer's liver being overloaded and dying from the poison it's trying to process. When Lucifer ripped it out, he was merely bringing physical reality into alignment with the spiritual reality. His liver was already dead.

 The three pieces of Lucifer's liver grew up to be Jehovah, Yeshua, and Allah. Consequently Abrahamist atheist theophobia can also be seen as liver-worship. Specifically of a failed liver. This particular liver represents Lucifer's twisted compassion for mortals, for the shades of the already-deceased. His denial of the fact that losers should lose. Naturally, mortals would be inclined to worship it. 

 It is perhaps not a surprise that mortals have suicidal tendencies. Worship the thing that brought poison into itself until it died? Mortals: "Yes,m sir! Sign me right up sir!" If they were wise, they wouldn't have died. Lethal alcoholism as spiritual reverence. 

 "We are not polluted enough. Show us how to pollute ourselves more, oh great one."

 Distant history such as this survives as echoes. The legend of Prometheus. The triforce in the Legend of Zelda. The soldiery practice of killing your 'heart' (that's the green chakra, not yellow...).

  "Interesting. I have heard people mention the temple was constructed to house the [Egyptian term] seriph/dragon, whether literal or figurative I'm not sure."
See also: rest of thread.

 "In Hebrew, the word saraph means "burning", and is used seven times throughout the text of the Hebrew Bible as a noun, usually to denote "serpent","

 Further: Quetzacoatl, the feathered flying snake. 

 In higher heavens, it's not remarkable for a thing to be both a feathered angel and a scaly dragon, in a very physical way, depending on how you're looking at them. Two separate surface manifestations of a unified underlying nature. 

 The dinosaurs died and became birds. As above, so below.

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