Thursday, January 11, 2024

Government Design Again: Application, Examples


These institutions need to not only be dissolved, but replaced. The only reasonable way to do this is to replace them first, then dissolve them.

 Hey, that's almost true. Except, having replaced them, there's no need to dissolve what they replace. Once you have your own Oxford, why would it matter if Harvard continues to exist? Just turn off the TV. Close your eyes. Walk away. It's no longer any of your business. Or rather, you stopped letting it be your business, and that's how you formed a replacement. Because you never wanted to dissolve it, therefore you can replace it.

"And when we decided that schools [...] are not state organs"

 They really aren't. Kinda the point of physical and logical laws is that they are independent of jurisprudence, legislature, and social approval. All that a government can contribute to a real school is commanding it to be illogical. 

 Many hate the fact that wisdom>courage>faith, and as such scholar>warrior>merchant, but a good school does in fact tell the government how to govern. Tax = 0, or else. There are logical and illogical policies. Given a value schedule, there is only one set of logical policies. You can't beat logic into submission; ad baculum is a fallacy. You can't buy off logic; logic is incorruptible. Logic cannot be debated; logic wins every debate in the end. Logic uber alles; that which is uber alles is Logic. A government that doesn't listen is merely a less effective government.

 One thing a good school can tell you: it's not up to us that hominid social status works this way. We tell you what to do, you don't tell us what to do, and this makes us higher status. This is true even if you have the option not to listen. Even true if there is no direct power. Your other alternative is obscenity and corruption. 

 I don't make the rules (mostly) I just tell you what they are. If that makes me higher status, that is simply one of the rules I didn't make. Your other alternative is to not know the rules. 

 Another thing a good school will tell you is that you should, in fact, have the option not to listen. Science should not be human law. Who can tell which school is logical and which isn't? Only the schools themselves. When it becomes illogical, obviously it will claim it hasn't been. The honest man says he is honest, and the liar says he is honest. The government's only recourse is to uninstall that school and try a different one. 

 You can tell, because a corrupt school makes you less effective. Failing to listen to it makes you more effective. You must be able to make your own mistakes, due to the distinct possibility that they are not mistakes. 

 Do note that Socrates did not take money to teach. Likewise, a school cannot be funded by the government. If they're so smart they should work out how to self-perpetuate. Independently wealthy. In this case even donations must be verboten. The school must be the customer of government, not the product, because the customer is always right. Buying respect with the currency of ideas. If the school becomes the product, if it is selling ideas for money, it will change the product to retain it sales, changing logic to flattery. In obverse, if the government withdraws respect, the school must be happy to withdraw its ideas, and not fear for its revenue.

 Medieval monasteries sustained themselves by brewing beer. It's really not hard. 


 marketplace of ideas

 Impossible. You can't buy ideas with money. It's hard to even buy truths, like how to lay a foundation. What you can buy is flattery and responsibility laundering. Flattery - the customer is always right, especially when they're wrong. You can also hire someone to take the blame for an unpleasant revelation. Hire a math tutor so the math-avoidant associates them with the hated math, instead of you. "Oh dear, the math guy is horrid, isn't he? Poor you. They're all like that, unfortunately (lol)." Want to fire someone, but don't want them mad at you? Hire a "consultant." "Sorry man, the consultant has spoken." (Sub rosa: and we paid him way more than we pay you, think we're going to let that go to waste?)

 At best, you get the opposite: buy money with wisdom. I think it's okay for individual lorekeepers and kenners to take donations, provided they can't be traced to any military force. 


Since truth is our only weapon, we cannot corrupt it.

Poor man. Who wants to tell him?

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