Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Wisdom is Socially Unacceptable

 If wisdom were socially acceptable, do you think society would look remotely like this?

 The more followers you have on twitter, the less wisdom you're spewing. 

 In times like this, if you don't want to be a loser, you have to transcend social acceptance.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

just saw a video about aoe2's "hidden cup", a tournament ran by 1 guy. the last iteration of it had double the average viewership of a red bull tournament taking place in a german castle. concept is after qualifications, no one knows who anyone is. this includes the casters. this means people can't show up just for their favorites, they're more interested overall, and apparently it also causes better performance from players.
now that i've heard it it sounds like an obvious concept. but it's also obvious why suits could never come up with it and would never copy it.
something like this can only come from "1 guy".