Monday, January 8, 2024

The WhiteBlack Pill: Demand for Lies

 The law of supply and demand is irrevocable. What is supplied is what is demanded. What is not demanded is not supplied. If society demands lies, it gets lies.

 White pill: if you demand Truth, you get Truth. If you pray for wisdom, you will receive wisdom. (It will be quite the ride.)

 Black pill: rationality is the vassal of values. You can't argue someone into wanting the truth. Argument is subordinate to desires. What are you going to do, use lies and trick them into disliking being scammed? Black pill: you can't make society stop wanting lies. Doomed.
 Or, not doomed. White pill: destruction, pain, failure, and death is exactly what they want. These features are what they like about lies. When they complain, the implication that they want it to change is a lie. (Satanists lie, it's what they're all about. Telling a non-misleading truth is considered heresy.) Everything is working as intended.

 You see the black part of the blackwhite pill as black because you're delusional. Not your society, not your business. You don't have the right to determine their values or how their society is structured. You don't have the obligation to selflessly "fix" it by preventing them from achieving the infernal Hell they yearn for. White pill: security is affordable. You do not need the voters to want or think anything. If their beliefs and values are harmful to you, secure yourself against them and stop thinking about it.

 If you demand security, security will be supplied. If you pray for peace and safety, you will receive peace and safety.


Anonymous said...

"infernal Hell" is demotic, so your intended audience is clear. You are trying to fix some of the zombies (the ones still alive enough the frequent this blog)

Alrenous said...

Is it? If that is what I'm trying, then it's probably pretty stupid. Certainly I've foolishly attempted it in the past.

Mainly this blog exists for those who already pray for wisdom. There is a place where such things can be found.
Given this is the case, I probably need to learn to word things better.