Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I notice when I finally want to read the news, there's no news

 When there's finally a year where it's happening, nobody is using the it's happening meme. Of course. 


 Stuff happening:

 Not Azerbaijan though, that seems to have been business as usual.

 I at least have russians with attitude and simplicius for ukraine. 

Check out this great "WWIII lol" bit:

Ctrl-f to "What comes next is the heart of the entire article and is one of the most significant and remarkable admissions of the entire war. It is a must read: "

Also, "We’ve long known the West still receives critical supply deliveries from both Russia and China—particularly of precious metals, rare earths, etc.—by rail through Ukraine. This is simply realpolitik at work, and all wars in history have operated under more or less similar conventions."

Total war this is not.


Do you notice how Elon Musk never talks on twitter except out of his ass? He allegedly knows all about rocketry and electric cars and batteries, but you'll never hear about any of the details. No interesting equations. No anecdotes about solving a tricky puzzle. No amusing counter-intuitive inside baseball.
Talks about 'full self-driving' tho, lol. 

News is a hoax. There has never been a journalist. 

Of Alchemical interest, like England, Denmark has lost its queen and gained a king. Symbolically matriarchy is falling.
 Oh hey looks like the Dutch king is new too, reigning for 9 years, and also due to the abdication of a woman. Holland is symbolically very English. Or vice-versa, it's hard to say. The two places feed off each other.


Anonymous said...

Matriarchy is falling? Will I get to have a non-whore wife??

Alrenous said...

How far do you expect it to fall before you intend to get married?

Anonymous said...

The sewer jews is my current favorite. That was a nice treat to start out the new year.

Alrenous said...

Forgot Texas.

At least kinda getting news from Texas. Still inadequate, but at least not nonexistent.