Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Second Reason to Disavow Whiteness

 At present, it looks like christianity makes you suicidal. Makes you want to plunge your race into nihility. It happened in the spanish colonies, especially brazil. It's happening in america now. This cannot explain the hindu aryans. 

 Some 4000-3500 years ago, india was invaded. The aggressors very literally called themselves aryan, and were white as snow. They conquered it by brute force (because indians) and installed themselves as supreme overlords. The origin of the caste system was explicit racial discrimination. They realized they needed to keep the aryans aryan.

 History repeats: it was the same with the british 3100 years later.

 You will note there are no whites in india anymore. Where did the aryans go? Did they lose a war? 

 They genocided themselves. White genocide, 1500 BC edition.
 Couldn't keep their dicks out of the local mudholes. Burnt coal until all sooty. Rendered themselves incapable of anything resembling true civilization. Incapable of defending themselves. The vaguely tolerable indians carry a creek of aryan ancestry.

 What makes europeans into masochistic self-genociders isn't christianity. It's being european. 

 It's a flaw in the blood.


 Quite possibly what made christianity so masochistic was excessive exposure to europeans. 


 To take responsibility for this sublimely profane vice, it is necessary to disavow your race, if it is one of the christian races. It must be repudiated at the foundation. Rebuilt comprehensively, from the ground up. 

 The ancestors fucked the hell up. The solution includes fucking the ancestors the hell up.  

 Beware, Revenge is Sour. It may in fact be biologically impossible to repent. Y'all might just be hosed. 

 Nevertheless, this is a foundational requirement for any non-masochistic non-suicidal society. Step 1.

 Sanity, thy name is not whiteness. 

 Step 1, competing only with other basic step 1s such as cooperating with cooperators. If y'all don't want to be doomed, ya have ta repent of dooming yerself.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, negro

Anonymous said...

The White Race is the gods of the pagan pantheons. We are descendants of the gods. The problem with gods is they exist to answer prayers. So they end up serving their worshipers. The White gods come down from the sky to be worshiped by the brown monkey people. The brown monkey people pray to be like the gods. The gods, being physical gods, answer this prayer by interbreeding with them. And eventually there are no true gods left as all their descendants are mere demigods. The Nords are the demigods, and all the rest of us have become less than that by too much monkeyman mixture

Alrenous said...

Merry christmas, snowfriend.