Friday, December 13, 2024

It Was Already Full of Pennies

 If I had been on that train and shot neely, penny would have helped the cops drag me and put me on the stand. 

 The process is the punishment and he deserved to stand trial. 

 Did he do the right thing? No, neely should have already been dead years ago. It's correct to go all china in this case, and start executing, ye, unto nine generations. Trying to be gentle and keep neely alive is very wrong and antisocial. Cowardly. Though yes, it is true, that leaving neely alone was and is worse.  

 However, only very marginally worse. Since penny didn't kill him, that means the trash would have taken itself out regardless. All anyone had to do was wait, what, a couple hours? He had already sentenced himself to death.

 Remember penny is not on your side. If you want to do anything to genuinely help america, he will be your strongest opponent. If he approves of something, it is either poison or it's an accident.
 America et al got this way in the first place because it was already full of pennies.

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