Saturday, December 14, 2024

Internal Difference of Self-Love and Self-Hatred

 Once [ingroup] and [outgroup] are removed from the ideas of good and evil, the only thing left is self-love and self-hatred. 

 The loving hate lies. Hate irresponsibility. Hate bringing harm to their allies. It plain feels bad. 

 The self-hating feel attracted to lies. They're repulsed by responsibility. They despise virtue and beauty and cooperation, and want to bring harm to anyone engaging in them. For the self-hater, the purpose of life is to behave as despicably as they can possibly get away with.

 The self-hating feel shame when they are caught breaking their word, but only because they fear punishment. (Damn Darwinian bodies, clinging to life.)

 The loving feel shame when they are caught breaking their word, but the observer in question is their own self. They cannot escape the disciplinarian or the disciplinarian's consequences.  

 When the self-hater is denied the oblivion they crave, they require constant maintenance. Immense and unending pressure is required to stop them from consistently applying costs to everyone around them.
 Slaves must be whipped by the overseer. They never learn. Rather, they cannot learn; the act of forcing a cost upon the overseer by forcing him to whip them is the goal. That was the point of the disobedience. Working as intended.
 The slave inherently dislikes virtue. It plain feels bad. They will not pursue it except to avoid something that feels even worse.
 It is true that a stable, healthy society cannot abide slavery. As before, the way to end slavery is to execute the slaves. Anyone acting slavishly shall be hanged by the neck until dead. 

 A peasant is essentially a self-hating slave who knows better than to be openly slavish. One layer of misdirection. They cast their opposition to true beauty as support of false beauty. They give rise to a sabotaged, profane beauty standard. They knowingly pretend their false idols are true. Rather than attacking virtue directly, they attempt to starve it and ignore it until it goes away.
 Evil is weak. Only the most foolish devils think to directly start fights with the virtuous. 

 Power corrupts? Power allows the self-hater to afford more of the despicable behaviour they always wanted to buy. Permitting a self-hater to escape poverty is suicidal.

 Though permitting a self-hater to wallow in poverty is sadistic.
 Permitting a self-hater to survive is sadistic.

 Notably, christianity flatly rejects the idea that anyone loves themselves. It explicitly claims everyone hates themselves. Or at least, does so insofar as it knows the words which describe the thing it wishes to describe.

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