Monday, December 16, 2024

Being Explicit: 500 kingdoms

 Who is in control of the deep state? For large parts of it, nobody. There's a slot for a king but the peasants aren't aware it isn't filled. It's a chicken running around with its head cut off.

 In most cases someone, some very specific person, can seize control of the kingdom, but he only has two hands. There's only so many hours in a day. To seize control of one he has to relinquish control of another. Conservation of headless chickens. 

 The fruit of a usurpation regime is secret kings, and secretly forgotten crowns. The fruit is balkanization. The fruit of dysgenic population growth is a deep king shortage. 

 Though also a place like america is far too large for any king, or even say 50 kings. Nobody in history could have grasped something that size. Even the gerrymandered fragments of jurisdiction are frequently too large for the best living kings. That and they're lazy. There's only so many hours of the day, and, really, why not spend most of them on golf? Sure they could push themselves, but what do they need another dozen billion for? Working is for the little people. Meanwhile the peasants can only pretend to try to grasp the throne, if they're even aware the head is missing, if they're even aware it's supposed to have a leader.


Anonymous said...

The Deep State, or to be more precise, the Empire (countries are containment pens for plebs, the aristocracy is global) is designed to be headless, to be ruled by committee (i.e. republican form). A "Despot' might be tempted to end the scam and throw a few scraps to the slaves, and we can't have that happening.

Alrenous said...

Yes I'm aware of the false common wisdom, there's no need to repeat the Approved model.