The central government is so untrustworthy you need a rich man to buy bespoke cultural artifacts.
To get good food, you need to buy your own farm and reset the policies. To get good clothing you need to buy your own textile factory. To get a good education you need to hire your own tutors. To get a decent videogame you need to buy your own studio and install yourself as producer. All of this costs unreasonable amounts of money, so nearly everyone has to get someone to buy it on their behalf.
Traditionally this person is called a lord. Especially given the vows of loyalty and service one would need to offer in payment. It works because he already wants to buy these things on his own behalf - if he knows what's good for him. E.g. if he wants "free" speech he has to buy his own Twitter. Since he has to buy them anyway, why not take subscriptions from others who also want them? Recoup some of the cost?
You can try buying 'organic' food at the grocery store, but it isn't organic. I mean, obviously it wouldn't be. Revenge is Sour: the condition of being able to buy wholesome food at retail is that you have no need to go specially looking for it. Any corruption of the food supply will also corrupt of the food-label supply. To get organic food, you need to discard the 'organic' label. Instead, buy a farm and enforce the policies you want, regardless of what they're called, and regardless of cost.
Instead, buy a textile factory und so weiter.
It is already far, far too late to rely on the central government.
the absolute shit that comes out of peoples mouths in opposition to free association
15% tax! on everything!!! why not 100%, make the government a full third party!
Commies gonna commie.
Not to meantion peasants gonna peas.
"but but one person was scammed one time" Yes, we must babyproof the entire world, as we are, in fact, little horny girls just past puberty. No men allowed etc etc.
I like the "but I don't like seeing trades in chat" we just admitted most players are too stupid to switch chat channels? Lots of folk who physically can't read past the first google result are playing GW2?
"botting" hey what if your game didn't counterfeit its own money, have you thought of that. Like, whao.
Peasants are dumb - the things they think are solutions are, in fact, bigger problems. Dunning-Kruger. Some of the more cunning ones at least make their decay-suggestions personally profitable (political) and that's the best you can hope for.
Come to think, utopianism is pregnant-little-girl ism, isn't it? They don't think the world is perfectible, they think their hypothetical little darling is infinitely soft and will be killed by literally anything going wrong. E.g. they think if baby makes a suboptimal trade in a videogame one time they will get traumatized and spiral into suicide.
Highly oedipal of course. Not really about baby at all, but they're obsessed with pretending to themselves it is.
oh shit lol someone else noticed
"I couldn't help but think of this fascist propaganda when reading this: every trader is some power hungry monster lol."
So the only reason the peasants demand a trading post system is Envy. The tax is the point.
Seems peasants like redistribution even if it makes the peasants even poorer. As long as it makes non-poors upset it's supplying peasant demands. Even if it makes them e.g. actual medieval peasant poor. Ref: fall of Rome. Peasant-positive. (Democracy does have the effect of increasing market sensitivity to pauper demand. Yes, Empire is a kind of democracy.)
Illiterates are physically incapable of communicating. Physically incapable of writing a good-faith post.
Also don't forget peasants will reflexively ""argue"" in favour of the status quo, because they think the lord will beat them if they don't. Dissent is sedition, after all. "Daddy daddy I repeated what you said word-for-word (probably, not really knowing what words mean)!" "Good, I won't have to wallop you this time."
the last comment is a real gem. gw2 has a trading value cap of 10k:
"Perhaps Anet doesn't want anything to have more than 10k of real value."
in gw1 there is also a cap, 1000k on bank and 100k on characters, this led almost instantly and to this day trades for basically everything occurring in alternative currencies. ecto worth 5k, i put 20 ecto in the trading window, now we can trade at values higher than 100k.
its occurred to me many things through the four installments of gw1 moved towards gw2, rather than gw2 being some kind of radical heel switch. this may also be one of them. perhaps we were all operating a black market this whole time. maybe that's why it's so fun.
the recurrent "i dont like chat spam" is really something. what is chat for? what is speech for? why do people talk to other people? trade is an exchange between two people; trade chat is one party taking the initiative to look for a counterparty to complete their desire. isn't that beautiful? no, their idea is a perfectly silent serene environment where no one interacts with each other, only with The State, and where any transgressions are snapped and commented afterwards on tweddit, whether "am i the asshole" or "wow i cant even" makes no difference, the world state at the time it could have changed can no longer be changed.
coincidentally gw2 also has no lfgs, because there are no quests, things that run in the world run automatically on a timer, monsters also have no drops, everything happens through achievements and battle pass menus. i am told gw2 chat is dead. even if it isnt i kinda wanna see what it is. there doesn't seem to be any reason to interact in that game at all.
there's also several comments in there that go "but in p2p trading people who dont pay attention will get scammed". it's not even like linuxfagging, items have discrete unchangeable labels, there is no selling pyrite as gold, the trade box literally reads out the name of the item. the real prayer is to not have to live life. the prayer has been answered. actually it's probably just a prayer for death. that prayer will be answered soon enough.
unrelated but also related, recent discussion with locked guy on twitter, echoed your post on perfection:
"reddit is so fucking cringe you will always trigger the worst bad-faith assuming pea counters displaying their halfknowledge or barely lukewarm opinions and they will legitimately take pride in their shit takes, never actually engage in discussion & simply gaslight you for likes.
its as if twitter showed the most liked comment chains as the primary feature instead of the posts themselves. its not about the argument, its about the social discussion "below" the argument where the website takes place, and everyone wants to be both right and likeable, toxic..
any true discussion is disagreeable at its core because its about the disagreement where truth is found. reddit is a superb website for memes, porn, maybe knowledge about games or referencing google searches for problems, its such a shit site for arguing its really unbearable....
the best kind of people to argue with are legitimately the lvl 99 neckbeard wizards produced by obscure forums or the "cant even tell if trolling or not"-shitposters. both will dunk hard and hit where it hurts without giving any regard to being agreeable i wish we cared more4them"
"Discussion is continuation is life is a kind of disagreement. Reddit selects for both likeable and continuation. The circle cannot be squared, hence toxic."
where any transgressions are snapped and commented afterwards on tweddit, whether "am i the asshole" or "wow i cant even" makes no difference, the world state at the time it could have changed can no longer be changed.
Damn that's a good one. Channeling last psych.
Nitpick: it's not even the transgressions, it's every transaction. Exists not for the transaction, but to be snapped and commented on.
Talk isn't cheap, it's worse than free.
actually it's probably just a prayer for death. that prayer will be answered soon enough.
And now just saying exactly what I would say.
everyone wants to be both right and likeable, toxic.
"Trying to being likable is toxic." Unironically social status is profane. Plato, the bad and the desire for the bad.
Reddit gets on search engines sometimes, it's weird. The answers are usable. E.g. most of my pirate sites are from reddit comments.
lvl 99 neckbeard wizards produced by obscure forums
most obscure blog checking in
don't forget redditors literally don't have the capacity for discussion. Not literate - can't read what you're writing. Even if they don't have halfknowledge they're incapable of writing it down.
"Reddit's main competitive advantage over every other social media site is that it creates stable public urls that contain a whole conversation."
it occurs to me a possible reason why sales/realtors/etc are bad: they don't actually care. and that's what shows. same with a lot of other interactions, from retail on up. no one cares about the person in front of them, they're not there, the real interaction is with The State and The Paycheck and The Rules, everything else is just an annoyance
they don't care about what they want either, that's why they drink. or these days it's antidepressants.
two people who want things and are dealing with what's in front of them though, that's fun.
but that would require two people who want things and are dealing with what's in front of them
Satan, father of lies. Being real, genuine, direct, is heresy and abomination.
I think it would be fine if the realtor / sales dude openly admitted they don't care. "Safety is your own responsibility. Purchase at your own risk." Imagine they admitted they're only useful for the things they're useful for. (Whatever those are, I use self-checkouts.)
>they're only useful for the things they're useful for
most jobs are useless. most companies are useless
the only use they serve is to prop up the boss's ego, the company exists only to prop up some bureaucrat's ego
so their actions are congruent. the people they deal with in front of them really don't matter. pissing them off or anything else does not change the real deal.
A fortiori: someone who runs a shop with helpful clerks should have higher prestige than one with useless clerks. Instead, the boss wants to get away with clerks that actively impede their paying customers. More pain more better.
Cleverly set up a shop where they have nothing to do, ensuring they have no training, thus hassle guests solely out of boredom.
which happens to work because as it turns out, there's a lot of demand for being hassled.
"Slave morality requires you to farm perpetrators. If only victims are good, you have a real problem if you run out of victimizers."
can't make a post on tweddit if someone didn't make you a victim. and if you aren't a victim, how are you going to get dem likes!?
the lesson of the evangelion rebuilds was in the end correct. personnel is policy. it's not that people can't change, but it's so expensive it's a real question whether that cost is lower than the cost of a new acquisition.
running away is good. if you have bad friends, the solution is: get better friends
it occurs to me its actually even better than that. it's the liars are more susceptible to lies / can't con an honest man thing.
running away, consistently and purposively, is how the cost of changing people is really reduced. what is changing people? charisma. what do charismatic people do? they only take the best deals. they don't waste their time. they "run away". or more precisely: they run. there is no "away (from us(me))". they don't stop. for anyone. they have a thing they want.
to the extent people can be changed, seeing someone else do this, is itself how people are changed.
Everyone, even immortals, hate that which attacks the things they love, and are fond of anything that attacks the things they hate. (Transitive property.)
By default, mortals hate themselves. They are fond of anyone who attacks them, and dislike anyone who helps them.
I don't see a way to change a self-hater. That would be helping them, which they hate.
the only one who can choose to stop hating themselves is the man himself. some people congenitally hate themselves. others have made a long series of mistakes, or otherwise can't see a way out.
from the outside it's difficult to determine which without great effort. "to the extent people can be changed" people here is the undefined plural, "change" is less turning water into fish and more fishing out the fish. the fishing is done by example: mortals also copy what they see. those who don't congenitally hate themselves, if they see someone else not hating themselves, and succeeding, they will get the idea that could be them. when the time is right, they will try it themselves.
"the difference between casual and slacker, newbie and moron has nothing to do with spell rotations, boss tactics or ilvl. These are personality, value, meta-skill differences. While newbieness and casualness is limited to a game, being slacker and moron are universally true to the person.
Last question: why "M&S", why do I address them together, despite moron and slacker are pretty different in motivation, beliefs and values? Because unless I spend lot of time analyzing a specimen, I can't tell which one is him."
"The common point: hunting M&S. The above can only be used in direct interpersonal communication or teaching a carefully-selected group. However when you write a post, give a speach or talk in a mixed group you can't just say "everyone below mid-L3 cover your ears, I want to talk about the importance of self-esteem and you aren't there yet". The lessons of the levels are different and plain opposite, except one point: "hit the M&S"!"
had a lot of fun learning big things past month in gw1. making money. i think money is linked with knowledge for me with gemini house 9. same with conventions. same with "greedy goblin" even though i found him via world of tanks. if it turns out well i'll link it in 2-3 days.
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