Saturday, April 13, 2024

Slightly More Starcraft

 Protoss makes colossus. Colossus get pwned like they always get pwned, forcing the protoss to retreat. Enemy gets a bunch of corruptors or vikings...meaning the colossus not only failed to win any fights, protoss loses any opportunity to perform an air transition. 

 For pros at least, the robo bay is a trap. Prism speed is cool but not worth the bay cost. 

 Perhaps not a trap if they find a good use for disruptors. They should be either part of a raiding team, warding off the army long enough to get stuff done, or part of a fork strategy, where the opponents needs to both approach and flee at the same time. Disruptors would probably be better if pros didn't refuse to micro them. Lets them die after one shot nearly 100% of the time. If you don't have the APM, they're not worth building, and even pros don't...

  There is some evidence that carriers with upgrades are way better than carriers without...but the evidence is unclear. Dude stops building his 3/2/1 carriers, attacks infrastructure instead of the army, and loses the game. It's good enough for me, but hardly indisputable. Meanwhile other pros are trying 1/0/0 carriers and getting wrecked for some reason...

1 comment:

Protoss Snail said...

Ancient caucazoid.