Sunday, April 28, 2024

Wealth Cap and Free Will

 It is not exactly like your choices don't matter. Rather, the fact that your choices are yours, are determined by you, means the choices, and therefore their consequences, are pre-determined. 

 You are who you are. Hence, your choices will be what they are. There's a wealth cap because, to rise above your wealth cap, you would have to not be yourself, in direct logical contradiction.

 "But what if I'm the kind of person who raises their cap."

 That's already factored in. Sometimes, cap-raising folk have already chosen to raise their cap as far as they can. If it's possible to raise it continuously, then at any moment you're the kind of person who has a cap of that magnitude. It's just math. 

 Making choices isn't about determining the future, but discovering it. You are who you are, but even you don't know who you are; nobody else has any chance of knowing who you are until you act and show yourself. And it goes all weird from there.

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