Wednesday, April 10, 2024

One Shithead With a Blog

 Since Hanlon's Razor is in fact Hanlon's Butterknife of Cope, there is a devastating consequence. One shithead with a blog is absolutely laying waste to entire societies. 

 My competition: literally trillions of dollars, centuries of tradition, vast newspapers and universities or extensive twitter networks.

 Me: an internet connection, a keyboard, cruddy parents, and willingness to optimize for free time.

 I am winning. Advantage: me. Society is a complete an utter failure.


 When someone says something like, "Lock them all in jail," that means nobody told him jail is a weird and highly falsified Quaker superstition. (It's Catholic repentance writ large and made involuntary. Shockingly, this was a bad idea.) He just condemned his whole society as desperately evil. He neither knows what he's talking about, nor knows to keep his fool trap shut. Nor is he some kind of outcast or fringe character who all right-thinking ingroupers would deprecate. It's all of society that doesn't know what it's talking about.

 Should China hire me ASAP as the hero their society needs and deserves right now, or are they confessing to mens rea? Do they not want the problems fixed because having these catastrophic problems is in fact the purpose of Chinese society? 

 Anti-Hanlon's Razor: either they're doing it on purpose, or they're too dumb to live.


 You need to reject society. It's sinful and profane.
 If you choose not to, don't come crying to me when it turns out the consequences are Lovecraftian.


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