Monday, April 1, 2024

Nostalgia is Longing for a World that Never Existed

 As a child, I thought advancement was not only possible, but reasonable. I thought folk liked advancement, and the only thing stopping them was not fully understanding how to go about it. Who wouldn't delight in expanding of the grand total of mortal knowledge? They're just not trying hard enough, right guys?

 Sometimes I see something which triggers a powerful memory of this childhood delusion. I feel nostalgia, the longing for a world where that delusion is not delusional. 

 I vividly remember being part of that world, even though I never was. I miss something I never had. I feel the loss, as something that never existed was torn away. The only consolation is that the sun set on that possibility aeons ago.


 I am vulnerable to imagining I can return to this world I was never in.

 I have the urge to imagine I can pick a new universe and I might not be alone when I get there.

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