Thursday, April 4, 2024

Satan Spent Tremendous Effort to Suppress Stoicism

 That's how you know Stoicism is really, really bad for Despots and Satanists. 

 First, actual Stoicism: you start by tracking down irrational emotions. You find that, if they are in fact irrational, when you listen to them, they listen to you, learn, and stop being irrational. You find most of your emotions aren't irrational. E.g. when you hate taxes. If anything, you irrationally hate taxes less than you should. (I'm a net tax consumer, as planned.)


 Stoicism looks a lot like learned helplessness to me and the time period it first sprung up in is telling. The hellenistic age where military empires pushed aside the old poleis with their politically active citizens.

Not Stoicism.

 The Stoics like compassion just as little as they like the tragic dramas that cultivate it... As Epictetus again says: 'Look how tragedy comes about: when chance events befall fools'.... If the person were not a fool he would not mind the chance event... ~Martha Nussbaum

Epictetus was a slave using Sophistry, not a Stoic.

Oh man have I ever railed against stoicism. It’s a conformist ideology, perfect for the ruling class of our age. “Stop complaining about your poor conditions and just go back to work, accept oppression as your fate.” Fuck stoicism.

Not Stoicism. 


 By getting you to reject literally the opposite of Stoicism but calling it stoicism, Satan vaccinated you against Stoicism. Moderns sometimes call the stuff cognitive behavioural therapy, which is a ridiculously Fascist bureaucratic journalism, but perhaps now and again it has successfully bypassed the vaccine. 

 Stoicism is just logic as applied to the emotions. Feelings are treated as hypotheses and supported or falsified as is suitable to each. You know it's an extremely powerful technique because Satan hated it so much. I know it's an extremely powerful technique because I didn't listen to the hallucinations of homo sapiens, I just tried it.


 You can tell Satan worked really hard on this by how universal the condemnation of pseudo-Stoicism is. The writings of no major Stoic has survived. Nobody except the CBT folks seem to understand it at all.

 A similar but much less intense process vandalized skeptics, dogmatics, and Zeno of Elea. Zeno's paradoxes are absolutely brilliant if taken as a pair - so naturally you hear about only one at a time. "Skeptic" does not mean careful, considerate, and meticulous thinker, it means someone who "dogmatically" (lol) believes you can't know anything. A "dogmatic" is not a close-minded fundamentalist, but someone who hasn't been irony-poisoned to death. A dogmatic will affirm and defend positive beliefs. Their "dogma" is merely whatever beliefs they have, however they happen to have come to them. 

 You can still find a few grains here and there using skeptic and dogmatic correctly. By contrast, Satan was only unable to censor Aurelius because it would have meant censoring a Caesar. Luckily for Satan he was a Despot first and a thinker distant second at most.

 Satan wanted you to reject Stoicism so you become a loser and worship the loser god, Satan.

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