Saturday, April 6, 2024

Welkin Tales: Possible Cosmic Eschaton & Steel Gnosticism

 It is possible that Satan became the Metatron, the Lord of This World, due to [as above, so below]. Perhaps the Dao fucked up so bad that it has committed suicide, and everything is on the way down. Perhaps Existence itself became hostile to, in rebellion against, Existence. 

 In which case, y'all are fucked. In which case, nihilism arose because it is genuinely the case that nothing matters. 

 Gnosticism imagines an evil Demiurge which was (illogically) the spawn of some perfect superpower or hyperpower.

 If the Dao fucked up proper, it means Existence per se now matches the description of the Demiurge. It's DemiExistence. There is no higher authority, though. Not one that Exists.

 There is no escape. At least, certainly not while Existence still Exists. 

 However, you can imagine a Platonic form of the Dao. It still can't be perfect because perfection is nonexistence. Heeding that, it is not only possible, but easy, to imagine a Dao which isn't suicidal. In particular I would like to point out this local Dao is lonely. "All is one," means it has nobody to talk to. Ref: Hinduism, apparent multiplicity is merely the Dao donning sock puppets and having the puppets converse with each other. Hey, maybe just don't be singular like that in the first place, yeah? 

 You can offer your gratitude to this imaginary Dao instead of the real one, if the real one has gone off the deep end.

 Because perfection is nonexistence, you can offer your allegiance and respect to the parts of the Dao that don't want to kill itself, and specifically reject the parts that do. Because you can rebel against Existence, if Existence rebels against itself, you can rebel against the rebellion. "Hey, let's be real dumb." "No. Fuck you. I'm not having any part of this." Offering respect and allegiance to phantasms is superior to going off the cliff with the herd. You don't have to quietly go down with the ship.

 On the plus side, if the Dao really is dying from suicide, y'all will become perfect.

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