Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Why America Doesn't Do Rail

 The fact GM gotta get paid is only secondary. Primarily it's because the Germans did rail. Women are obsessed with appearances and guilt by association, and rail has been tainted. Every American is a woman, and railways are ""Fascist.""

 It turns out blimps are de-facto banned by the FAA. You need a license and they refuse to give one. This is only secondarily ass-covering, it's primarily because Germany did it first. How are you supposed to prove american "exceptionalism" when someone else has a good idea? As every narcissist knows, only the main character can have ideas.


Abdul said...

The question is why? Is it race? That's not an explanation, why wouldn't the obviously superior approach to dispensing social capital be adopted by the Chinese? People blame low IQ in other races as the cause for their societies being low trust shitholes, the Chinese however had the intellectual hardware. So that's out too. What's going on has to be biological or even deeper, spiritual, it cannot be culture deep.

Alrenous said...

Chinese culture is old, meaning problems in Chinese culture can easily explain 3000-year long deficits. Could easily be a stable local minima.

High trust is a bad thing, by the way. It means gullible idiot. Parasite-positive, defector-rewarding.

Of course, you're correct, culture comes from biology - including the shape of the local minima. That and a nonzero contribution from geography. China is stagnant and tyrannical because the Han enjoy tyranny and stagnation. Demand, and supply. That and the fact their expansionists died when they were strangled by mountains. Attempting expansionism made them destitute, and their families were wiped out.

Biology is largely physical reality converging on spiritual realities. If there are five races, those are the remains of five dead immortals, rotting here in the underworld. Or something along those lines.