Saturday, March 16, 2024

Canadians Are Not Polite

 Canadians are passive-aggressive, but Americans are too self-absorbed to notice the Canadian is taking the piss. If a Canadian can say something insulting or self-aggrandizing, they will. An extremely unpleasant people. Don't forget that blue areas are worse, but Canada has blue areas and purple areas. As with all modern countries, there are no genuine rightists. 

 Canadians do say please and thank you a lot. I believe this is because of the guilt. They're obscenely rude because that's the culture, they're supposed to be, but they feel bad about. What they mean is, "Please don't hit me," and, "Thank you, I know I deserved it, but you didn't punch me in the face." They feel obligated to be awful to each other, but want to minimize how awful they're being without actually having to dissent. 

 Naturally the general atmosphere of abrasiveness forms wonderful camouflage for the genuinely sadistic and abusive. They blend right in. A regular Canadian will make a demand with a 'please' but will be too afraid of conflict to push the issue if you refuse. This means Karens can make a demand with a 'please' and it doesn't look out of place, but for the Karen, provoking a conflict is the point of the exercise; she will escalate until she finds something you won't tolerate. If you point out what the Karen is doing, all the other Canadians will leap to her defense, as they've all done the starting phases of the same thing; you just condemned everyone in the room.  

 Refusing demands isn't 'appropriate' if they said please, you see. "Please exsanguinate your firstborn and donate the blood to me." "Um, wat?" "I said please! Please sir! Don't be inappropriate!"


Anonymous said...

I found everything you said about Canadians to be true on average. There are good and bad people everywhere you go, but there are average group differences. The Germans in both World Wars found the Americans to kill quickly and mercifully as well as treat prisoners of war better than the Canadians whom the Germans regarded as wantonly bloodthirsty and cruel. You might be able to find blog and YouTube articles about it on the internet. doclove

Alrenous said...

I buy it.

Anonymous said...

Amen. doclove

Alrenous said...

It's self-reinforcing. Canadians are horrible to each other, then, because they behave so horribly, deserve to be punished. They punish each other by being horrible, and then...
Trudeau exists to punish Canadians for their atrocious conduct. Canadians like Trudeau precisely because he's bad for Canada.