Sunday, March 17, 2024

Being Explicit: You Can't Set Right What Once Went Wrong

 Because that's not how it works. 

 Yes, it's true that generally speaking societies have one or two key things wrong with them. "Bro, just don't do the tax thing." "Have you heard of our lord and saviour, Exit?" 

 However, that's due to efficiency. The spiritual pressure makes one or two things go wrong, and that properly brings physical reality into alignment with spiritual reality, releasing the pressure. They underlying problem is being fuckin' evil. If you fix the keystone issues, all that happens is you put the realities out of alignment again, causing pressure which will, sooner rather than later, realign them. It also incurs a karmic debt, so the new alignment will be worse than the old until the debt is paid. 

 Superficial solutions are counterproductive.

 You can't get a Saviour to "save" you from the tyrant, because the tyrant is merely the obvious symptom of a core mortal sin. The tyrant is a reflection of your own internal tyranny. The only thing that can "save" you from yourself is Death. To save you from yourself means getting rid of the you which is causing the problem. Getting rid of the self which suffers the problem. 

 If you want to stop being victimized you have to stop victimizing yourself. 

 The world is just. If it seems evil to you, then the problem is projection. You're evil. The solution isn't to fix the world; that would be narcissism. The solution is to fix yourself. (I won't say the thing. I will resist.) 

 But, of course, if you could fix yourself, you already would have.

 Nothing can be changed or improved. This is the underworld. They're already dead. It's already too late.

 The problem isn't that something went wrong. The problem was the thing wasn't right to begin with, and going wrong is justice being served. You can't undo the justice and get right. I mean, duh. Just look. This is so simple even wordcelibates can understand.


rezzealaux said...

occurs to me demand for tyranny explains popularity of christianity. christians like to imply it's popular because it's good, but popularity really means alignment, things are popular because people like it, and there's quite a lot of demonstration most people like things other than good things.

Alrenous said...

There really is a lot of demonstration.

That feel when absolute selfishness would be a step up. Folk will pay a premium for pretty buildings...but not enough of a premium to actually avoid ugly ones. Good food and good music is hard to find almost purely due to market forces. NFL viewship didn't in fact drop to zero. Budweiser isn't completely ruined as a company.

It would be nice if talking about christianity was a foolish and pointless distraction, if it were basically irrelevant. If I were wasting my time, that would be a better situation.