Sunday, March 10, 2024

How to Safely Visit a Blogger Blog

 0) Don't use Chrome. Use a scriptblocker which blocks google analytics. Helpful to also block itself.

 1) If you must use Chrome, block google analytics in your hosts file. Looks like the following:


 This is hosts-ese for redirecting analytics to 'go fuck yourself.'  

 Up to some version of windows, possibly even the latest version, you can very easily find your hosts file by opening a new text file, then going file -> open -> and pasting C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts into the address bar. That is, specifically not into the file name box. 

 If you have nonzero computer savvy and the stupid-easy way doesn't work on the latest version, you can figure out where to find your hosts file using variants of the above address. 

 It's probably also helpful to go to about:config or your local browser equivalent, search 'geo' and set all those to the suitable version of [go fuck yourself]. "Geo enabled?" Haha! No!
 Brave doesn't have the ability to enable the stupid in the first place, while I expect Chrome doesn't let you disable it.

 To get the archive sidebar to work you need to unblock the blogger domains. I expect all their nefarious code is on sites named google, but on the other hand I'm sufficiently un-paranoid to deliberately use a blogger blog. I understand if you don't trust them. In that case, you can search my blog using Brave. [whatevs]. Works just fine. 

 I'm still on Brave's first page of results for political formula. I remain dissatisfied with all entries but my own, but mine is there so it's fine.
 Meanwhile, I've been purged from DuckDuckGo. I highly recommend getting your own blog on such a search result, to have a nice quick and easy test for when they're massaging the results.

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