Monday, October 23, 2023

Women Can't Responsibility

 Well over 90% of women are so retarded they can't follow the chain of cause and effect. It appears to be a focus issue. If you claim that A implies B, they lose concentration partway through 'implies.' They've stopped paying attention to what you're saying and are deeply interrogating how it makes them feel. Largely based on tone of voice and body language.

 For a woman, stuff just happens. Then, other stuff just happens. The present stuff is far too emotionally overwhelming to leave room for anything that happened before. They can't handle anything more complicated than stimulus-response. All the superstitious [if you run a fan while you'll sleep, you'll die] stuff is memorized by rote, which is why it never makes any sense. Even when there's a genuine harm to avoid, they can't understand how B is linked to A. Frequently they're not articulate enough to even understand what they're warning against, all they appreciate is "X is bad!" Anything bad that happens later is also bad, so they basically said the right thing, right? They can just about handle the idea of nebulous karma.

 You should applaud them for understanding that events are linked at all. "Good girl!" Don't expect them to actually link the right things together.

 Women genuinely can't appreciate that their current situation might have something to do with their past situation. By the time you juxtapose the two in their minds, they get distracted by something and go chasing squirrels.

 Ironically, boys get the ADHD meds because they're concentrating too much. The girls forget the old topic - but confuse the new topic as related - while the boys are still thinking about the old topic. The boys are staying on the trail while the girls are wandering off into the weeds and picking random flowers.  "when the bell rings I insist that they stop whatever it is that we've been working on and proceed quickly to the next work station." When the teacher says 'stay on topic' they mean [get lost with everyone else] and [stop revealing our absurd cope by contrast].

 "Everything I teach is out of context. I teach the un-relating of everything. I teach disconnections. I teach too much [....] What do any of these things have to do with each other?"

 "Even in the best schools a close examination of curriculum and its sequences turns up a lack of coherence, full of internal contradictions." 

 "This is harder to see in elementary school where the hierarchy of school experience seems to make better sense because the good-natured simple relationship of "let's do this" and "let's do that" is just assumed to mean something and the clientele has not yet consciously discerned how little substance is behind the play and pretense."

 Gatto fails to understand the natural result of women designing and implementing the curriculum. He was a boy and thought girls think like boys - in the same way girls are absolutely certain that boys are just girls who are bad at being girly. "they hate solitude, are cruel, materialistic, dependent, passive, violent, timid in the face of the unexpected, addicted to distraction." Well-schooled children, or default women?

 After all, accepting that girls are girly is misogynist. Someone like Gatto would never be caught being mean like that. 

 Best to realize well over 90% of girls never grow out of the play and pretense. Unlike the boys, they never assumed there was some mysterious underlying meaning - they were getting too emotional about the immediate present to handle any such stretch or reach. The only connection that matters is the connection of current topic and current feelings. 
 If you're pissed at a girl try asking her how her sentences are linked and watch her flail around in frustration. "What does this have to do with what you said just a moment ago?" Pretend you really don't know. She will fail because it genuinely doesn't have anything to do with it.

 "Think of the great natural sequences like learning to walk and learning to talk; following the progression of light from sunrise to sunset; witnessing the ancient procedures of a farmer, a smithy, or a shoemaker; watching your mother prepare a Thanksgiving feast -- all of the parts are in perfect harmony with each other, each action justifies itself and illuminates the past and the future."

 In her proper environment, a woman's sequences are imposed on her from outside. You can't teach a kid to run before they walk even if you wanted to. It happens on its own. You can't have a ten-year-old before having an eight-year-old. It's not up to her, and it's not up to you either. All she needs to know is to feed them when they're hungry and clothe them when they're naked. She doesn't understand why she's cooking the thanksgiving turkey that way, that's [the way it's always been done] (lol). Just following the recipe. (Are family recipes the result of husbands tweaking the girl's cooking so it doesn't suck? Will girls experiment at all without specific prompting?) You don't want a woman to concentrate too much because children's needs can and will interrupt irregularly, without warning. If she gets troubled by interruptions, she's a terrible mother.

 For an example, Akuyaku Reijo nano de Last Boss wo Kattemimashita. The conversations don't flow. The events are barely coherent. But it's okay, because shoujo. Keeping a plot in mind is too difficult for the poor dears' bird brains. Just have stuff happen.  

 (I especially like the part where it reveals that women think of any other woman who oppose her slightly as a terrifying evil mastermind, full of malice focused on the victim specifically and solely. Frenemies have to apologize to each other constantly to soothe the paranoia. Don't forget women are clumsy and awkward, frequently causing effects they don't intend. I suspect women's media drastically overstate the effectiveness of their ridiculous scheming - it's usually cope about these accidents, when the woman thinks it's better to confess to wrongdoing than admit to incompetence.)


 Women can't remember what happened before without specific prompting, and can't appreciate that the present moment might imply a particular future. She can't keep her promises because she can't remember the promise for more than a few seconds. Trying to hold a woman responsible is futile cruelty. Don't demand masculine honour, demand feminine submission. Stop her from doing the thing in the first place, regardless of her opinion. Maybe use locks. Maybe use operand conditioning. If she's being difficult and requiring illegal levels of force, dump her immediately. "Too bad, that one was a dud." Hunter tribes hit their wives and not their kids - this is indeed the way. If she hasn't evolved beyond monkey-adjacent, then consider not putting up with her. Perhaps consider a different furnace for your seed. "Sorry, marrying you was outlawed. Bye now."

 You can't leave women alone with strange men because they will genuinely forget that they have a husband. Why would they stay faithful to someone who, in that moment, doesn't even exist? Genuinely impossible. It really isn't her fault, she really does either need a chaperone or to be denied entry into mixed-gender spaces.

 Is that what the ring's for? She gets in the habit of glancing at it, and then this happens: "Hey dipshit, you're married." "Oh fuck I forgot." You want a diamond because it's likely to sparkle and attract her birdbrain even if she breaks the hand-looking habit. Actual appearance of the stone is distinctly secondary. This, likewise, is the real reason adulteresses take the ring off: it's not that it discourages the kind of men they're after, it's because it reminds them they're supposed to feel guilty, and then they stutter. 

 "You're not wearing your ring." "I'm not a woman, I'm not going to forget I have a family."

 I now suspect this is why women demand so much attention. Rather, she's demanding that you capture her attention, so she doesn't forget about you on accident. She can't focus on you unless you make her, and consequently, if she wants to focus on you, she has to demand that you make her. You want to go along with her so she doesn't genuinely start thinking she's single.

 Lots of women still drink during pregnancy. Because they forget they're pregnant. Or forget alcohol is a poison.

 From this I conclude almost all fiction is highly feminized. Nobody can remember to continue a conversation if they're distracted. Characters about to say something that would make the writer's job not completely trivial? Don't worry, dingaling there's your phone, and bam it's out your head forever like the most airheaded girl. (Can parallelize: writer A writes scene A, writer B writes scene B, but doesn't have to worry about continuity because there isn't any.)

 This is why you can pass most shit tests by mentioning something emotionally valent. They'll forget all about the test to focus on the now. It doesn't have to make sense because, even if she remembers the test, she can't tell the difference between sense and nonsense. If you tell her fire is hot because the recombination of atoms into lower-energy configurations releases energy into the environment or fire is hot because scorpio is friends with sagittarius, it makes exactly the same amount of sense to her - none. All that matters is that you say it confidently in a non-feminine voice. Sometimes she can fake a bullshit call when there's a strict social expectation, which often fools many. It would be better for everyone if she wasn't allowed to pretend to understand things she doesn't understand, because lies are bad. Mmmkay?


Anonymous said...

I see. Please tell me about your mother.

Anonymous said...

As a woman scientist who prides herself on her logic and rational thinking, I would be offended. I am not because I run into the same thing with about half the women I know. The other half are also scientists, so they are usually logical and rational. This article accurately describes my dear sister, who magically finds every turd on the lawn, conveniently forgetting it is her lawn and her dog, metaforically speaking. I played cards with a group of women last week, learning a new game. One of the ‘house rules’ defied all logic, but the hostess insists it is logical and rational without noticing that it fails the most basic tests of both logic and math. Unfortunately, even though two of us just said we would accept the faulty logic as a house rule, she insisted on wasting our time trying to force us to see ‘the logic’ where absolutely none existed. To anyone homeschooled their children, start your kids early in the magic fun of Lewis Carroll’s syllogisms. It will help kids learn logic and clarity of thought while being a fun thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Also a biological scientist here. IDK maybe OP needs a new group of friends? Based on his writing he is not low IQ, so why look among the low IQ XX population and make assumptions for the larger XX, unless limited life experience leads you to these assumptions which apply to the greaterr XX but are in truth erroneous?. Speaking as an XX, and in the context of other XXs I personally know, I don't relate to this, but what do I know, apparently? OP seems to have experienced great frustration due to XX in his life. For that I am sorry. I hope through life the lesson can be learned that it is not reasonable to paint an entire 50% of the population with the same brush.

Dan Patterson said...

OP has an experience exactly resonant with mine, and with any man in my circle whom I've discussed that topic with. Apologies if it is a snaggly topic, but it is a fascinating one and very worthy of social science study.

Trumpeter said...

Just one correction. Women who are married have photographic memories of every single thing husband ever did wrong.

Anonymous said...

That's a fact , Jack

Anonymous said...

"(Are family recipes the result of husbands tweaking the girl's cooking so it doesn't suck? Will girls experiment at all without specific prompting?)"
Yes. No.

ghostsniper said...

This hasn't been my experience so it must not be true.

Further, because it is so untrue, the OP is oppressed and I get to try to insult him.

Ironically, you are unaware that you have made his point.

Anonymous said...

Not just women anymore. The West is --so-- feminized that many many men also 100% accurately fit this description. The amount of men I know that cannot correlate cause & effect. Say, for instance, the repeated downstream effects of their voting is staggering to my mind. These are also the same said men (and women) that will utterly destroy a place through voting habits, policies that are about the "feelz", etc. and then move away once it becomes unlivable.

Like a plague of locusts they will immediately set about repeating the exact same sequence in a new place, having learned nothing from the previous destruction. See: any California transplant to the SW or MidWest.

Their "pets" whole other topic, but take everything you said and add a vicious streak a mile wide on top of it as well as sociopathy.

Anonymous said...

True story. My mother would cut a big pot roast in half and put the halves in two different pots. Now we had pots large enough for that single cut of meat, no matter it is always cut in half. Why? "Because that is the way we do it." I asked Grandma if that is the way she cooked it. "Yes dear. We were poor and we only had small steel pots because they were free. I always had to cut the meat to fit." Till the day she passed away Mom always did it that way for family dinner. Habits, they die hard.

maruadventurer said...

Something to keep in mind. A tad over half the population of the US is women. Women consume most of the mood altering drugs on the market. Fact figure show 20% of these drugs are directly targeted at women. Summation, two out of five chances any woman you meet is mentally medicated and may or may not have a episode if or when the drugs run out.

Zorost said...

It's even higher if you realize that birth control pills are mood altering drugs. Not just mood, but behavior-altering.

Filthie said...

Women see their world through their emotions, and think with them as well. And… Unless it is properly dealt with, it becomes a disability. Their emotions run away with them, and any semblance of critical thought is impossible for them. Exposure to rigorous science and academics will not help; academics will always be a semantic sub-routine for them, while emotion remains the primary function. It is my conviction that this is hard wired at the semantic level.

What will correct (or at least, attenuate) emotional problems in women is faith. All my evidence to this is anecdotal, but women in my circle that attend church are warm, charming and incredibly intelligent. I’m at a loss to explain the mechanism but true women of faith (real faith, not the modern parodies) - can not only manage their own emotions, but those of others as well. And - their “women’s intuition” goes right off the charts. They can often assimilate data, process it and make connections and see patterns before their men do. It’s like they are skipping steps observation/deduction process somehow….? I wish I had the psychological background to research this correctly. Other avenues of exploration open up: the quality of Christian women is superior to that of say, moslems or jews. (Yes, there are exceptions, but they ARE the exceptions). Why is that?

Anonymous said...

I was leaving home for my own place, and while helping me move, my father told me that when I found a woman that I thought I'd like to keep, chances were pretty high that I'd have to teach her how to cook food that was fit to eat.
Sure as sugar, he was right.

Alrenous said...

Whoa there. Where did I get linked?

JBPGuy said...

Jims. Come back b0rther

Alrenous said...

How curious. Jim is a leftist.