Saturday, October 28, 2023

Force vs. Resistance

 Moldbug accidentally made a concrete prediction. Is the Regime motived by thumos, or malice? If it's thumos, then when their power is secure they should calm down. Make a victory lap maybe, and then take a rest. Perhaps focus on in-fighting and leave poor innocent Americans alone. If instead they're motivated by malice, when freed of obstacles, they will double down, spending every spare cent on dissipation. 

 Are Transgressives well-meaning, but scared? At worst, selfish yet empathetic folk trapped by a vicious system they don't know how to escape? Shall we take pity on those afflicted with chronic kinglessness?

 Consider the last three years. 

 Do they pursue Impact to demonstrate to their rivals that they have force? Is thumos a healthy appetite, nourishing to the soul? 

 Or, is the resistance the point? Is thumos a degenerate addiction, little more than suicide with extra steps?

 The best part is this: despite everything, democracy works. Americans get the representatives and rulers that they deserve. Americans themselves are malicious, and as is meet, their leaders are paragons of maliciousness. 

 Americans could just take their kids out of school. They could recognize the school board as wholly corrupted by strange, hostile foreigners, and keep their kids away from it. Problem: they are not foreigners. They are not strange. 

 The point of school is that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. American parents want to torture and maim their own kids, but can't bring themselves to do it, so they farm out the function to distant allies. The intentionally-unknown allies do it where the parents can't see and can't feel obligated to stop them. If Americans take their kids out of school, where will they get their torture demand satisfied? Withdrawal simply isn't a viable strategy. 

 Parents aren't upset about woke grooming in school. They're upset that it's not staying behind closed door. They're upset that they have to hear about it. They're upset that the illusion of virtue has been compromised.

 Biden is the accelerationist option. There is no point where Americans 'wake up' because they're already fully awake. (If a bit dim even at the best of times. Should have made an illusion of virtue to cover tranny grooming, then implemented further grooming, rather than trying to jazz it up on the fly.) Candidates like Biden move up the collapse appointment. The moment when Americans are violently overrun by, at best, a less virulent species of evil. All Empire commits suicide.  

 Render unto Caesar, slaves. All reject the gods, except the divinity of Satan. All have embraced parasitic, shameful, traitorous black government.

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