Sunday, October 8, 2023

The World is Just and You Suffer Because You're Not

 The solution is to give up treachery.

 The solution to what? Generally, the answer is yes. 

 The way to get a virtuous world is trivial. Stop lying about it. You can have a peaceful world. Or a bloodsport ring on every street corner. Whatever - the point is it's not up to me. All you have to do is stop trying to get allies via deception. 

 Just tell them who you are and what you're about. Have them tell you who they are and what they're about. Then negotiate an agreement. Or fight a war, if no agreement exists. Fight the war and get it over with - don't try to 'forgive' or 'coexist' with folks who refuse to negotiate and want to destroy everything you love. (Generally for kicks.) 

 There's some reason this hasn't already been tried. Most probably it's because the default human is incapable of true love, and exists solely to hunt down everyone who does love so as to destroy their loved ones. If all these folk honestly admit they crave nothing but treachery, they will have nothing to do. They will realize the folk they're betraying are only fighting back out of boredom - the 'victims' don't love what they're defending, they were merely betrayed first.

 However, we can imagine a world beyond the final war, by assuming the above paragraph is wrong. Everyone who can't agree to negotiate an agreement is dead, and consequently there's nothing to fight about. 

 Although, again, the point is that if you want blood sports, nobody can tell you otherwise. Even if you want to scale up the blood sport to the size of an army. Imagine sports betting but you bet whole cities. 

 Naturally, when a new traitor polity arises, it will try to pretend to agree. It would take some dedication to test them to find out if the final war needs to be re-litigated. Not very much, though. Success in testing is guaranteed as long as nobody quits out of laziness. 

 I mention this stuff primarily because, once it has occurred to you, it becomes painfully obvious whenever someone tries to move away from such a world. Who wants a lonely, atomized world where you can trust no-one and physical violence is a daily consideration? Who wants a classic Xianxia world where the powerful can and do kill the less-powerful simply because they are there? Where the hierarch has no virtue except luck? 

 You can just tell. It's easy.

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