Sunday, October 8, 2023

Twitter Rightists Worst Affected

 The Hamas attack on Israel has precipitated a hilarious ""right"" wing schism. 

 We have the "racist" "white nationalist" "Hitlerite" camp that's pro-Israel because *checks notes* brown people bad.

 Then we have the passivist "violence good" (but I still won't) who are pro-Palestine. 

 Note that Biden has recently been giving money to Iran, like Obama did. Because the Jews are in charge...or something...


 The friend-enemy distinction camp can't even tell who their friends are, never mind their enemies. Slaves gonna slav. 

 Nevertheless, the even is a great check of my principles. "Not my Israel, not my business." 

 A bunch of idiots I don't care about are doing idiotic things to other idiots I don't care about. 

 Maybe if they weren't so idiotic I would consider being less uninvolved. 

 The only thing I did wrong was hear about it at all. 

 In other news some journalists are already going all "Rapidly devolving into WWII!!!!!1111!!1!" so it looks like this is ultimately a nothingburger. Iran will successfully negotiate to keep the status quo, over 85% likelihood. Watch out for the WWIII talk getting goldish-memory-holed, then armies across the world may have something to worry about.


JBPguy said...

The Israelis have been looking for an excuse to go ham for ages.
Biden giving money to Iran - who will support the Palestinians and ostensibly Hamas - puts into place an incentive for Hamas to attack. Which they did.

The problem is their old school "blood for blood" mindset.

If Hamas had half a brain, they would mount a massive anti-Israeli propaganda campaign, acting as constant victims doing nothing wrong. There are no reasoned arguments anymore, only Ad Hominems. It's not your home or land if you're a bad person.

Instead, their "victory" over some tourists and Israeli citizens makes them a bad enough character that the Israelis can send some US made missiles to some hot Gaza real estate.

Did you see the video of the Palestinian children bullying the Israeli child? That's enough to get people to open their wallets.

This "ur a bad person" effect is the same reason the Kyiv government can shell civilians in their own country for nearly a decade, and the RUSSIANS are the bad guys still. They dropped petal mines on their own city - the people who lived there KNOW it was their own government - and the western media still blames the Russians.

Funny old world we live in. Global witch hunter mindset.

Alrenous said...

A peasant's primary consideration is to believe whatever they're told to believe. To agree with the State. The only evidence they want is evidence that their master said what they in fact said.

The interesting thing here is that the Pope in Harvard regularly also says that Palestinians are the good guys. The peasants get all confuzzed.

Hamas has to be masochistic. The only thing they can hope to accomplish is to make Gaza a worse neighbourhood. Seems to be working great. Carry on.

99% sure Israel is also masochistic. They would hate not living in fear of random shelling and kidnapping.

JustSomeOldGuy said...

Great blog but that money was not 'given' to Iran. It was Iranian money that had been siezed in South Korea, apparently 5 years ago. recently In retaliation Iran seized a South Korean tanker. Clearly SK were pressing the USA

Alrenous said...

Stealing money is simply normal for Western regimes. See: Truckers, GoFundMe, Paypal, Yeezy, Russia. Giving it back is not.

JBPGuy said...

Hamas are just an old style philosophy - the enemy must be killed by your own hand. There is no thought of using a second population to do your dirty work.

Israelis aren't masochists - they have class distinctions and pretend they don't. Radicalise your tax cattle to kill, take the enemies land, then repopulate with more tax cattle.