Friday, October 13, 2023

Porn Supply Means Mental Illness

 That porn exists at all suggests a deadly illness has already been contracted. 

 Live action porn => prostitutes. Why are you paying for some other man to bang the prostitute for you. WTF. Answer: if you have any taste, let alone good taste, you're not. Porn whores are ugly af. If you would a porn star, even for $50 or less, reconsider your life choices. (These hags need some poor chud to be married off early to, before they turn to selling tricks. Execute them both if she cheats on him.)

 Porn drawing is basically fine as consumption. Minor vice. Minimal costs, minor benefit, i.e. sage mode. The problem: it shouldn't be cheap.

 Drawing porn is a huge investment. Large cost. However, the benefit is just as small for the artist as it is for the man of culture. Porn artists should demand large payments, heavily restricting supply. They normally don't - and as long as free hentai sites exist, you definitely shouldn't pay out. This means they're crazy. Severe mental illness. 

 Pornography is a huge problem on the supply side, not the demand side. Further, it's a symptom, not a cause. If you have porn to try to avoid, you a'ready dun fukt up. It's too late, and self-flagellation is not a way back. 

 By contrast, drugs are a problem on the demand side. You can't sell drugs to healthy folks with friends and family. They cost too much. If there's demand for drugs it's because yah a'ready dun fukt up.

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