Saturday, January 11, 2025

Public School Teachers are Twisted Mutants

 There's two kinds of schools. The kind of school where the creepy and offputting pedophile stands out, and the kind where that behaviour is normalized. I had the pleasure of attending the latter kind of institution. All my teachers were twisted weirdos. 

 I attended potentially the best institutions in my oblast equivalent. Most rigorous, least violent, etc etc. Every teacher was a paragon of ill-health. Fat and waddling or skeletal and hunched. Asymmetric, with extremely off-putting mannerisms, but they were all like that, so it was locally normal. It is not at all surprising that teachers become bluehairs. They were bluehairs all along but the hair dye wasn't allowed yet, so they had to find some other fashion disaster to partake in.

 Deliberate weirdo normalization. Anti-socialization. 

 One of the things you can learn in school is that karens are pedophile-adjacent. Karens are not merely grit in the gears. It's lawful evil. They know asking for the manager is obnoxious. Being obnoxious is the point. Asking for the manager doesn't get you kicked out, unlike other forms of obnoxiousness, which is why they choose that one. They can milk it. Deliberately antisocial. They fight when it's bad, not when, for example, their kids are being sexually abused.
 Every karen is dolores umbridge. Teachers are supposed to be umbridge, but with enough restraint that the abuse can be passed off as [discipline]. If your teacher isn't a socially disastrous health-hating abusive mutant, the administration doesn't like them and will try to marginalize or dispose of them. With the full cooperation of their [[[peers]]].

 Which ones were the literal kiddy-diddlers in my schools? Statistically guaranteed there was one, but I dunno which it was. They blended right in. Pedophile normalizers.
 Wait, maybe it was the stinko. The french teacher with the body odour so atrocious it sank into the classroom. Female, naturally. Like the school was pulling homeless bums off the street and making them instructors. She was marginally more off-putting than everyone else.

 When women accuse some dude of being creepy, it's always a laugh, since they were raised by the creepiest fucks imaginable. Why, or indeed how, is anyone not supposed to be creepy? It would be very strange if any well-schooled male wasn't sexually bizarre, it's just that chicks like some of them anyway. 

 Untested hypothesis: not acting like a creepy fuck, the way everyone else does, is a huge dating market advantage. 

 The point isn't really to condemn schools. Naturally every society will have a twisted bottom class, and they're likely to aggregate somewhere or another. The point is to condemn parents, to condemn the wider society.
 Kids: "But I don't want to be kidnapped by the creepy pedophile strangers and tortured with pointless boring humiliation rituals."
 Parents: "You'll get kidnapped and you'll like it! Impress your pedophile so you can get a [[good job]]!" The truancy laws were all repealed. You can just homeschool. They choose not to.

 The twisted deviants will aggregate somewhere, and this society has decided to aggregate them as the guardians of children. 

 We learn something else at school. Or rather, by observing school. This industrial child abuse system is compatible with every society. Given the innovation, every society starts celebrating their mutant child-deformers. Every society has the cancer of black government because they prefer evil to good.  

 Secure your shit. Defend yourself against your society. Defend yourself against your government. Defend yourself against your species. 


Anonymous said...

You should cross-post these on Substack.

Anonymous said...

Alrenous should never sustack-cuck

Alrenous said...

The latter is likely to get what they want.