Ads don't work. Advertisements are laundered taxes or bribes. If ads worked you could sell ads better than google and steal their business. What google actually sells is Regime goodwill. You need permission to funnel cash to Regime head honchos, sinecures, and apparatchiks, and to get that permission you have to be deep inside the Regime, already getting your own kickbacks. No voter or anyone remotely similar can compete with google.
It's low-key insulting that the parent company for google is [alphabet], as in alphabet soup agency. Yeah, thanks for rubbing our faces in it. Cia agent eric schmidt keeping everything...aligned, lel. Local commissar.
Likewise, facebook is nothing but a pentagon asset. I expect the cia owns apple. Dunno who owns amazon, but it's 100% alphabet soup. Maybe netflix is owned by the atf. It smells like b-tier pentagon to me. These are not private companies. Microsoft was private but is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the state department; kudos to gates for crashing the Regime gates (he probably regrets succeeding). These are not private companies.
Communist countries do not permit anything larger than a mom-and-pop to be a private company. And the fact they have to permit those to be private, due to the hassle of trying to scheme with them, is why they keep trying to drive them out of business.
Why, one of them might spill the beans. You can't ship them all to epstein's island. Even the google panopticon can't provide that level of industrial-scale blackmail.
Naturally, teslas are only remotely competitive with ice cars due to huge subsidies. Musk did not afford to build the charger network, the taxpayer built it for him. Likewise spacex is almost entirely based on government contracts. Space is largely unprofitable. It's a white elephant, it exists for the purposes of veblenian consumption, hence in a Communist country it's a luxury only the government can afford.
They are not [capitalist]. They are GONGOs. Google was venture funded by larry fink's predecessor. And, again, whose money these folk represent is not public knowledge. The job of fink is like potus; to take the blame.
Speaking of wholly owned subsidiaries, musk is a wholly owned subsidiary. He's merely in a different deep state faction than the ones you're used to. If some rando tried to buy twitter, it wouldn't have worked. The SEC practically forced the purchase down musk's throat because the deeper state realized they don't want a monoculture media farm.
As in, genuine dissent still gets you banned. There are no right-wingers on twitter. There are no genuine dissidents on twitter. Every government, even the mythical white government, absolutely retains the ability to suppress any and all subversion. E.g. a great way to get my blog shut down would be to acquire an audience. I would have to start worrying about mossad deciding to do mossad things to find my legal name, to ensure they could shut it down even if I self-hosted on my own private urbit server or whatever.
Not only can non-swamp subjects not compete, messing with these major three-letter companies constitutes a [national security] threat, legally authorizing whatever dishonourable, traitorous black ops they happen to feel like carrying out against you.
In a related note, being able to defraud the popular vote genuinely is a national security interest for the Regime. If your vote counted, the government would collapse as a direct result. Honest voting is not something the Regime can withstand.
Draining the swamp is a ludicrous idea. It's not merely that you have to depopulate the district and lustrate langley. You have to shut down silicon valley. You have to keelhaul hollywood, then trash every TV and retire every radio broadcaster. You have to shut down all assembly-line manufacturing. You have to shut down every commercial farm. Everyone at lockheed and boeing have to live the rest of their lives in jail.
America is one giant swamp. Maybe it has a few hillocks here and there poking out of the water, but the total area of true land is well under 10%. When he lived, satan was well pleased, inasmuch as he was capable of feeling anything except self-hatred.
Military intel (the Pentagon is probably where the deeper state resides).
You can tell real power is there by how they were completely humiliated in afghanistan, iraq, the red sea, and the ukraine.
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