Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Manifestation of Revenge is Sour in Degeneracy

 Normally, one believes the γαυς were let out of the closet, and therefore all positive male interaction was sexualized. (gamma alpha upsilon sigma) Men now had to explicitly [no homo] any indication of approval or affection...or rather, most can't be arsed, so no positive interaction is now possible.

 That's backwards, isn't it? It's not that γαυς were let out of the closet and now everyone is γαυ, it's that everyone got γαυ, therefore γαυs were let out of the closet. "Eh, why bother?" and they no longer did. 

 Voters, women, and peasants lack masculinity.  φαγγωτς
 Civilization believes it has no use for males.

 Hitler's communists bullied minorities because they believed getting bullied maximizes suffering. They lost because they were deeply mistaken. Obviously bullying the majority on behalf of some tiny minority causes far more suffering. Especially if the minority is deeply diseased, incapable of satisfaction. 

 When you're already kind of γαυ, what happens if a man gives you a compliment? You start developing feelings. If you don't want to be γαυ, you have to tell him "that's γαυ," projecting the issue. Being harsh with your friends cunts becomes a norm. Because you're all γαυ cunts. 

 The strategy is to use all the harsh language as a "joke" that nobody could possibly take seriously. But isn't a lot easier if you're a total cunt for real? Why make them go to all the effort to come up with fake insults when you can inspire real ones? You are here.


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