Thursday, January 30, 2025

Christians Want Rotherham Everywhere

 Let's stop pretending the christian races don't hate themselves, particularly their children. They're not mad rotherham happened, they're mad it happened only in rotherham.

 The IRA existing in living memory. The cop shop in rotherham is still standing. This latter fact is what's known as [consent]. They want their daughters raped. They like it when their daughters are raped. They're pissed it was only underclass daughters, and not everyone.

 The sexual assault rate in schools is roughly 40,000/100,000. It's 17,000/100,000 just from staff. This is too low for the christian races. They want to import pakistanis et al to bump that up. 

 Consider that BLM happened, and all of america could only muster one St. Rittens. Further, he almost went to jail. Almost certainly required divine abjuration. (Also, Rittens was not good enough. Even if everyone was a Rittens, it would not be good enough.) This is consent. Everyone knows Rittens is anti-american, but jailing him for his flagrant subversion was so profane the heavens wouldn't allow it.

 Christians do not think abortion is murder. They'll work harder to get begonias in the front yard than they will to prevent a [[[murder]]]. (Go ahead, mess with their ugly flowers, see what happens.) That, or they like murder. They want murder to be higher. 

 It's exactly like a woman; "No tall dark scary stranger, don't rape me, oh no no don't do it." (The man was trying to mind his own business. "Who is this bitch and why is she suddenly talking to me?" They have to get childish animals, or the manipulation is too crude to work.) 

 What christians object to is having fewer children to torture. The wrong of murder, some states believe, is less wrong than leaving them alive, so the murder has to go. 

 When the dad is arrested by rotherham cops for reporting underage actually-violent rape, he is grateful. "Sorry sorry I don't know what came over me." The cops are there to rescue him from his unreconstructed stone-age instincts.The dad got confused, and thought he might get censured for stripping all security from his daughter. Don't worry man, we gotchu. Nothing more than supply for demand.
  It's cope. Now the dad can believe he can claim [I tried my best].
 I would call them losers, but losing is the point. "Yes! Thank you for noticing!"


 Why do prepubescent english boarding school kids even think of buggery, lol? The buggery was the point. I wonder what went wrong? Perhaps the boys accidentally stopped buggering each other. "Wait...this is actually evil. Why don't I defend myself?" Too young to fully understand submission, see. Weren't soycialized enough yet. The sexual assault rate got lower than 90,000/100,000. Whoops, can't have that. "Let's try locking the boys up with girls and minimal supervision. Don't forget to rile them up with porn mags and bikinis." 


 Always remember, if your society is in decline, you don't deserve decline. You deserve worse.
 What's pissing you off: not receiving what you deserve. Work hard, I'm sure you'll get there.


Anonymous said...

I've never understood why anyone who really believed in original sin would have sex at all unless they were evil.

Alrenous said...

You are correct. They wouldn't.
However, christians don't worship christ, so everything makes sense. Working as intended etc etc.