Turns out nobody can work out what [the holy ghost] is supposed to be, because it's satan, lol.
The tell is that the father saves the son from the satan, but doesn't do anything about the satan. Uses cures as a way of abjuring prevention. Cures as a way of perpetuating the problem. Saves the bum from his addictive cravings by giving him money for more meth. The victim has to go on being the victim. The narcissist can't let them change their role. The identity has to be fixed.
Saviours don't save you. Heroes are not heroic. Superheroes are especially villainous. Especially treacherous.
The christian father saves his son through resurrection. Could have saved his son by breaking the cross instead. Could have conquered the roman empire and lustrated it. Could have prevented rome from doing imperial things in the first place. Didn't do any of that. Just let the empire string his son up. "Have a nice passionate agony, son." "Thanks dad, it was excruciating." "You're going to have holes in your hand for eternity now, lmao. Try not to bloodstain on the upholstery, rofl." Nice save, father.
Batman swears not to kill not because it's especially ethical but precisely because it's unethical. He could save the hostages from the joker by shooting the joker. This would also prevent any future hostages - an eventually that has to be strenuously opposed. Evil is so weak it can only survive if someone better subsidizes it.
Superman could listen for crime being planned, and deport the criminal to a penal colony before they accomplish anything. Every time a purse gets snatched in metropolis it's because superman let it happen. So he can show off. "Look at me, I'm saving you." Every time a purse gets snatched anywhere on earth, in fact, it's because clark kent couldn't be arsed to get off his butt.
Use superhearing or whatever to produce supertrials. "If I let you go, will you stop committing crime?" "Yes (lie)." "K then, have fun in jail." Superman isn't aware there's no reason not to execute them...but of course he's pro-crime, so he wouldn't in any case. Superbadman.
Spiderman is basically pathetic. His archenemy is a newspaper editor. Can't save you from anything you couldn't have saved yourself from. Meanwhile prof xavier could wheel around and simply delete every criminal and all corruption, aside from magneto's magic helmet. "But that's not narratively dramatic." Then don't hand out powers that break the narrative, genius.
It is only honourable to save someone out of selfishness. And isn't that a mind fuck to you twisted abominations, lol. A father saves his biological son because doing so saves himself. A friend saves his comrade because friendship is profitable. The security firm saves you because that's what you pay them for. Working with professionals is always a relief.
The key is that "selfless" saviours are plain lying. They're also doing it out of selfish purposes. Psychological egoism is true: it is logically impossible not to be selfish. It's part of the nature of subjectivity.
The [[saviour]] can't be honest about those purposes. They believe the purposes are nefarious - go ahead and believe them. When someone claims to be doing something out of pure agape, it's because the strategy is driven by some crooked and deranged impulse. An [all-loving] god is an all-insane god, a being putting lovecraft's hardest pushes to shame.
It's very important to wreck the democratically-induced perception filter on responsibility.
"Oh, saviours are irresponsible." That was easy.
"Hey superman, we don't want to pay for all these felons you refuse to execute. Feed them yourself."
Even if the saviour manages to keep in their pants for a bit, inevitably a conflict will arise between the victim's needs and the saviour's needs. The saviour, as with god the father, will always choose their own needs first. And they will always claim they're serving the victim's needs, as per narcissistic projection.
At best the victim has declined opportunities to take care of themselves, because they thought they chad a saviour.
Biblically Jesus saves us so we will obey his moral commandments. But also dying on the cross was a production to get rid of the ceremonial law (kosher etc.) without having to admit it was a mistake to begin with.
"But that's not narratively dramatic." other day watched a video about how mines don't work like in hollywood, there is no such thing as a mine that activates on pressure release, why is it around then, because it makes for good fiction, and it occurred to me, it's not good fiction. good fiction teaches something about reality, which means it has to follow the same rules as reality. what exactly does the hollywood mine teach people? "as long as you remain stressed, you will not die". what does that sound like. oh it sounds like slave morality. and who watches hollywood movies? slaves. it all fits.
"surely no one would kill me, i'm a good slave" as it turns out this is not true, because slaves are not net positives
the concept that there's 'not enough' tension and suspense in a warzone that a direct contact pressure release explosive had to be narratively invented is really fuckin somethin. the imaginative capacity is so low it's like NTR doujins commenting on penis size. i have to try making my own story. surely i can do better than this.
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