Personnel is policy. Hiring and immigration remain in the hands of personnel who truly hate deprecated americans. If the deprecated manage to stop letting them express their hate through undercaste indians, they will express it some other way. Supply will meet demand. With no hysteresis, as they are in charge of supplying their own demand.
Peasant thinking. When the slave complains, it's a backhanded compliment. "You are whipping me just like I want, master." The peasant complains the same way the body reflexively displays pain.
However, an arm, no matter how much it hurts, can't replace the brain and won't try. If an arm tried to Exit and replace the brain, it would become paralyzed. The heart and lungs also can't replace the brain. The arm would die of starvation and suffocation. Either the heart and lungs join the rebellion and become paralyzed killing everyone, or they get ostracized by the rebellion, to the rebellion's detriment. These facts are so deeply embedded it's hard to think about, hard to pay attention to. If the arm insists on a fight, the arm is amputated, not the brain.
The peasant, likewise, takes their lord as granted. If the lord hates the peasant, well, sucks to suck. If the peasant could get a better lord he wouldn't be a peasant, he would be a freeman. Typically, unable to address the situation, the peasant will cope, saying the lord hates the peasant due to the peasantry deserving hatred. This starts a slow slide toward becoming a slave. Some deprecated americans have completed the transmutation. To be specific, enough of them.
The immigration and hiring dons hate americans, but I find them disgusting. Fear vs. repulsion. Not the same.
Lords don't hate peasants. They have nothing to fear from peasants - regardless of any ratios. 100:1, 1000:1, 10,000:1, doesn't matter. If the peasant start something, the peasant will lose. Peasants know this in their bones. One reason you don't want to keep slaves is that they also know this in their bones, and will try things specifically so that they may lose.
Much of the issue in [civilization] is needing more lords than there are, and raising non-lords into positions of lordship. Civilization breeds more peasants and slaves, because the black masters, the psycho lords, don't like lordly competition. Hiring and immigration are lordly tasks, tasked to non-lords who are consistently overwhelmed. Skills do not and cannot match the requirements. If they started healthy, the stress drives them crazy. Seeing this, most who have the opportunity won't take it unless they're already very unhealthy.
Note, when you're about to do something dumb, you don't get phantom physical pains. It doesn't look into the future, only the now. The brain has to effortfully and intentionally imagine future pain resulting from bad plans.
Likewise the peasant, when embarking on a terrible plan, such as 1776, thinks everything is hunky dory. See also: 1861, 1939. See also: 1970s, 1980s. It doesn't hurt. Yet.
When the pain arrives, the body and the peasant have no idea how it came about. It only knows the brain fucked up. Except, of course, psycho lords don't care about their body. Unlike a physical body, if you decapitate an america, the head survives. The psycho lords are very very aware of this, but the peasants are not. The psycho lords take an aspirin and ignore it. If they get an ulcer, they can fire the stomach. Which is why 1776 was such a bad idea. "Our parasites are different." No, actually. Turns out replacing your brain with a parasite leads to poor thinking.
Democracy in particular makes peasantry intolerable for healthy lords. The peasants refuse to swear fealty or pay tribute. They won't even offer respect, let alone cash and obedience. Even if a lord wanted to steal peasants from the psycho lords, he wouldn't, because unlike a peasant he is not a mental cripple. The peasants can't even be forced to organize.
Democracy is supposed to be about serving the selfish interests of the voters. Whatever they want, they get, with only other voters as a check. It's supposed to be tyranny of the majority. In Reality, it's nothing but another form of the iron law of oligarchy. Tyranny of the minority, just like every form of black government.
Peasants could in theory force the tyrant to at least throw a bone towards salus populi, but this would mean admitting it's about their own selfish desires. Millennia of religion, which they have enthusiastically or even desperately embraced, telling them not to do that. Being racist is supposed to be bad because it's selfish. Being selfish is considered so bad it can't even be used directly as political cudgel. Too hot to touch.
you've said what putin is many times, and i feel like you've said what xi is at least once, but i don't remember any comments about trump. what did you call putin again? a magistrate? what would trump be?
"oh wait theres a search bar. what if i use it"
"oh this blog was around in 2016"
"oh hey 2008 has a big number next to it"
it occurs to me 'someone generally competent would not become a politician, because politicians are beneath them', implies that someone who is competent that does decide to deal with them, would start not at the bottom, but at the top. because relative to the whole system, they're above it to begin with. coincidentally, it seems donald trump never ran for mayor or governor or anything else, it was real estate and tv straight into president. similarly, officers start at lieutenant, and not at private. hm. uhh hm. hmm..
this means "start at the bottom" is really just "you are now a slave". which is also how it feels.
trump might be a baron (lol) or some mid level lord of that kind
trump was on TV because he's a minstrel, an entertainer
court jester is now king kekekekekek
A consistent problem I have with sociology and microeconomics.
Note that everything I said happened...but I had most of it in wildly the wrong order.
E.g. the steamrolling of the Regime, cracking and crumbling everything, is happening now, not 8 years ago. Meanwhile, the riots happened in the middle, 2019, not 2017 or 2025.
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