Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mars and Regime Completeness

 The failed Alchemists thought the philosopher's stone was a red, physical mineral that could be precipitated from some solution or another. 

 Musk believes it's a red philosopher's planet. Physically reaching mars will allow him to achieve spiritual transcendence, see.

 Deep sea or underground colonies would achieve 100% of what musk wants to physically achieve. Not to mention being excellent practice for deep space colonies. He's not interested in those. They aren't red. Can't possibly be philosopher's stones. It's not [reaching the heavens], see.

 It is unlikely but not impossible that musk will achieve mars colonies. However, the result will be viking new world 2.0. Something for the second arrivals to curiously ponder. Egalitarian civilization will die under musk, cutting off the supply lines long before the colonies achieve self-sufficiency. The cancer of black government has already metastasized, already reached stage 4.

 Cancer treatment at society-scale includes the possibility of testing each cell for cancerousness and killing it individually. An affordable process. For reference, five hundred million mammal cells fits in ball about four inches across, somewhat bigger than a baseball. Like treating advanced cancer in a gerbil that can be dismantled and re-assembled with minimal harm. Would be trivial if society-scale cancers didn't have their own immune system and will cheerfully burn the host to charcoal before they let themselves get treated. Unlike travel to mars, all components of this treatment have been done before.


Stick said...

I'll preface by saying that everything you wrote is correct. However I'd assert there's a massive first mover advantage that's too important to pass up when it comes to space colonization. Whoever gets there first, be it Mars or the Moon, will be 100% capable of locking out competing powers, akin to the great colonial empires of the 14th-20th centuries. Now imagine a national rival gets control of an entire planet. Game over. The fact that anyone is pushing any national objective other than space colonies is beyond ludicrous. Musk is retarded, space colonization is not. It will be the deciding factor in which nations/civilizations/peoples reign supreme in the co!ing centuries.

Alrenous said...

There are too many errors in this to point to a single one.
At length, I learned not to waste my time on hopeless causes.
You're mistaken because you want to be mistaken. Good work. Carry on.

Alrenous said...

Nobody but Satanic status-chasers cares who gets the 'first in space' 'first on the moon' 'first on mars' pageant prizes. Vikings got first in americas prize. Big whoop. Where is the viking empire, never mind the the viking immortals?

It is, however, true that if these are the only things you care about, as soon as someone gets there first, it's game over. You can't ever erase their hall of fame or guinness book of world records entry.