Friday, January 31, 2025

Fifth Reich Defeated

 Around 1969, the new left, american communism 4, violently overthrew fdr's american communism 3. So that's what happened in 1971 - they got around to implementing their policies. 

 The new new left, or the ew left for short, believe the new left isn't wholly devoted to their lord and saviour, Satan. Which is true. The ew left tried to [new left] the new left.

 The thing is, Satan worship is bad for you. That's kind of the point. The Satanist worships failure, worships being a loser. The purer Satanist, like a more pious devout of any higher power, gets their prayers answered more often. Purifying it makes it even more purely bad for you. In Satanist on Satanist action, the more devout Satanist gets, uh, Trumped. 

 The new left was already as purely communist as it is possible to get away with. On purpose; by conscious design. Communism 5 was too communist to live, even on this hell planet, with this hell specie.
 You could tell it was going down when you heard of the world economic forum from a journalist. They failed the [show up in the news] test. Justice grinds slow and fine, and apparently also deep states, and communists who aren't quite as batshit insane as some other communists. 


 It is not unrelated that the ew left wanted to supply slightly more tyranny than americans demand. 

 Perhapskis we will see the new left sacrificing the new new left as an offering, to permit them to reverse civil rights. "It wasn't our mistake, they fucked it up for everyone." Probably not. Empires decay. The cancer is already very terminal. But it's not impossible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't mistake this tenuous Gen-X interregnum for a defeat of Woke. It's merely the last pause before Boomers (i.e. Neolibs) hand over power decisively to Millennials. #DarkWoke