Friday, January 3, 2025

Most Fan Translators are Fluent in Neither Japanese Nor English

 They are specifically malaysian. And they're not terribly fluent in malay either - the kind of person who says alot and atleast in english, but born in malaysia instead. 

 E.g. the everyone else is a returnee guy isn't fluent in either english or korean. Singapore? Yeah, malaysian, like I said.

Feudalism as Labour Union

 Have a neighbourhood union rather than a labour union. Natural, real categories instead of DLS bureaucrat categories. Bonus: real unemployment insurance.

 If you want job security, secure your job. Hire yourself to a lord, who, not being a retard, is much better at finding a job than you are. He pays you in perpetuity, and in return, he has the right to choose your labour. 

 Admittedly the exact details of the contract are a bit tricky. Ideally you would use this lord for other lordly tasks as well - arranging a lawyer, a doctor, a priest/philosopher, house maintenance, and so on. You don't want to have to change lords every time the job is suboptimal. You don't want a purely fixed wage while your lord can perfectly optimize your earnings, thus his premium. You don't want a purely fixed "union due" or the lord has no incentive to get you a job beyond the bare minimum. These things need to be carefully balanced.

 But at the end of the day, a cooperative Exit society does permit changing lords. Shop around, get the best deal. Let experience be society's guide, rather than ivory tower theorizing.
 That is, macroeconomics is easy. Trivial. Microeconomics is nutty hard. 

  The lord is not a bureaucrat. He makes his choices based on knowing you personally. Get a new lord if he's not interested. He doesn't see you as a checklist and some ass area he has to cover, but as an idiosyncratic profit centre. You can't scam his unemployment insurance. He knows or will soon know if you're getting fired for fault or because the company screwed up. 

 Because he knows you personally, it's healthy for him to have some sympathy. If you need time off, he won't deny it arbitrarily, based on politics or case law established by weird outlier situations. If necessary you can negotiate health conditions into the contract. Personalized, individual health considerations. 


 You can go full Commune if you really want to. Have the lord keep a central pantry stocked with staples, and you simply take whatever you want. You work where he tells you to, you rest when he tells you to, you play when he holds a festival. Don't have to think at all. Maybe draw a small cash allowance for luxuries beyond the free pantry. The option exists. In a genuinely free country, freedom is optional, not mandatory.

 Two keys to all these wild benefits. Stop lying. Not everyone is a lord; egalitarianism is very false. Stop trying to be head traitor. Turns out treachery is bad.
 You would think this is not a big ask.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

An Excellent Example of Boomer Ostrich-Sanding

What a fucking moron.

 "We gave up honour, discipline, responsibility, curiosity. was dem cummunizts!!!1!!!" 

 Literally da jooooos, but someone else. "We wuz pooshed." Fascists gonna Fasc.

 Outlaw property rights in 1776...then oh noes we waz attacked by the furreigners in 1976. If only it wurnt fer dose furreners. 

 Be a victim be a victim nothing is ever your fault.

 The post he responded to is also an astounding feat of ignorance. "It worked." Yes, that's why the kids were so enthusiastic about discarding it...because it was working so well...

 Aristotles' [rational animal] propaganda is alive and well.

Rehashing Paper Money Debt

 When you take out a loan at the bank, they counterfeit the principal then demand real money as interest. Counterfeiting causes inflation.

 Fiat warlocks will claim it's not truly counterfeiting because they poof the principal back out of existence again when you pay it back. Inflation matched by deflation. The interest is supposed to pay for operations. 

 They hope you don't think about what happens when someone defaults. The counterfeit money becomes rectified. The bank takes a haircut in expected interest payments. There is no haircut on the principal or in the present. Everyone forgets it's not supposed to be real money.
 They hope you don't think about the fact the whole point of a loan is the delay between selling the loan and paying it off, during which the counterfeit money is in circulation. One sees whole market panics when the loan market contracts because it constitutes a huge deflationary shock. Deflation is good, but shocks are bad. For biology and also markets.

 [Fractional reserve] is a fancy way of saying the bank is only allowed to counterfeit so much money at once. Say 10x their fed funds. However, 1:10 means they can regift 90% of the loaned notes, using loan deposits as collateral for new loans. This converges slowly. At equilibrium the ratio of real notes to counterfeit is around 1:99 at the alleged 1:10 fractional reserve rate. You take out a $100 loan. Then you buy $100 of stuff, and the stuff-seller deposits the $100 at the bank. The bank now makes a new $90 loan holding the $10 as reserve. Deposit 90, new loan of 81. And so on. 

 This means the bank will never run out of reserve space before it runs out of willing debtors. Which is why your bank keeps trying to sign you up for credit cards. It's all upside to them, they're loaning out fake money. 


 A long way of saying paper money is fake money and you're insane if you accept this stuff without a gun physically in your face. Mass and wear and clipped coins might sound like a nightmare, but a) acrylic now exists and b) it's not worse than paper money.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Coffee Cultivation and Outward Threading

 "Here are a few highlights:
 "–Synthetic NPK was phased out completely, with no drop in yield and a dramatic increase in quality."

 Metatopic: low tech beats high tech, because high tech is used for Envy, not for gains. Yield &c are distantly second concerns for well over 90% of the population.

 As with coffee, most factory farming practices are backed only by superstition. You can return to pasture with minimal effects on yield per acre, provided the farmer is wise and not a technocratic retard. Positive effects, given the consequences for the farm labour and extra non-coffee or non-animal outputs. 

 The primary reason for the abuse the animals suffer is to ensure they know their place. Bullying livestock isn't as fun as bullying other dire apes, but it's better than nothing. 

 Society can basically just stop whenever it wants. It merely doesn't want to. The pain is the point of the system. Tea too. You can be awake by getting enough sleep, or you can attempt to artificially replace sleep with stimulants. The net result is startlingly similar, but the first is free and the second costs money. You're not a poor are you?