Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Short Reason Why School Can't Teach

 If school had conferred information, I wouldn't have minded it at all. I don't know nearly as much botany and geology as I would like.

 A school that's a resource would have been a good. Profitable. A totally intolerable outcome for the devils that call themselves the government. 

 In addition to being anti-sadistic, school without pain would have no chance of destroying the intellectual organs it is attempting to amputate. Can't teach obedience to the whip without a whip.

 Insofar as school manages to educate, it is counter the interests of schoolmasters. Anyone who doesn't hate knowledge would slip through the cracks. Ideally students would be entirely innumerate and illiterate regardless of how hard they worked, but schools haven't figured out how to not even pretend to teach reading and writing. They content themselves with trying to make it as painful as possible so as to build a habit of aversion. 


 Put another way, truth is holy. 

 Schools are intentionally profane, and constantly try to "purify" themselves by removing all truth. 

 Their anti-truth lore is deep and sophisticated. Always finding new ways to be more disappointing to parents without risking the parents doing anything stupid like becoming opposed to the torture and maiming of their own children. 

 Since I like learning more than anything, it was unfairly obvious to me that school was a barrier to learning. Learning-prevention. The propaganda had no chance with me. The only reason I did not condemn it day 1 was that I thought they were merely (astoundingly) incompetent. Good natured...or naive, as expected of those with single-digit ages.
 It's okay. I learned better. At length...but I learned.

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