Monday, July 29, 2024

dumb twitterism is still dumb

 If body cams were bad for the Regime the policy wouldn't be allowed. There's so many reasons it's left as an exercise for the reader - there's no way you can't find at least one. If, you know, you try looking.
 This is one of the dumb short-sighted shock troopers being gauche and unsophisticated. He has no power, does not matter, and doesn't indicate anything except the genetic quality of the refuse Egalitarianism prefers to employ. 

 "a guy who noticed that body cams undermined the leftist narrative about cops so he searches for a way to oppose them without saying that it's because they destroy the left's narrative"


 You know, I realized: it's pretty dumb to castigate a Communist for leftism-maxxing. It's like, "Yes? I am indeed as leftist as I can manage to be? What were you expecting?" 
 So surprising. Declared enemy of truth and prosperity and glory is attacking glory and prosperity and truth. "I can't believe that leftist is so leftist. How leftist of him. What a leftist."


 "It is absolutely necessary to hack this" 

 "It's absolutely necessary to out-lie Satan." 

 Yeah nobody has thought of that before. Same way nobody has thought of writing a book before. 

 Real right-wing activism has never been tried. 

 But wait, it gets better: this alleged anti-egalitarian is laser-focused on trying to shift the herd. "Mobs are okay, we just need [[[right-wing]]] mobs." Divine right of mob goes uncontested. 

 Say Communist things, win Communist prizes. I have to assume Communism is the point, and insofar as it appears to be criticism, it's projection. 

 In america, there are no enemies to the left. But it's okay, there's no existences to the right. Everyone can be friends, I guess. There's two kinds of leftists: those who lie about their ideals and motives (winners) and those who lie about being leftist at all (less winners).

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