Friday, July 26, 2024

[[Right]] Wing Political Savvy

 Beside a few querulous far right extremists, no one is even pretending to give a shit that America has no functioning presidency right now.

 America hasn't had a functioning president for the last 248 years.
 Today on revenge is sour, you have political problems because you keep behaving as if america has a president. All suffering comes from delusion.

 America's culture is [nobody could possibly be stupid enough to believe that]. Nobody could possibly be stupid enough believe america is a democracy and has a president. Except the [[right]] wing *(left of hitler, a socialist) gets so high on their own supply they're surprised when DNC presidents can be uninstalled as simply as a screensaver.

 Like I'm glad you noticed america doesn't have a president sometimes. China hasn't yet noticed mao was bad for china. China is highly vulnerable to being mao'd a second time, as a result. The [[right]] noticed that the assassination absolutely clinched trump at the ballot box...but hasn't yet realized that if you can steal an election once, you can steal an election twice. The ballots are irrelevant. You might as well just piss on it. Being used as toilet paper is the most useful a ballot can hope to be. When, in 2025, america still doesn't have a functioning president, will they forget 2024?

 I suppose this settles the question. Why was biden chosen? Simply to humiliate voters, to let them know their place? Naw, it was because removing a doddering senile has-been is easy. Why bother with the inconvenience of grassy knolls and so on? Simply inefficient. It's not like he does any work.

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