Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bloodline Effects of Government Secrecy

 The commoners will avidly copy what they see of the [[elite]] family style, and the [[elite]] will show the commoners what they're supposed to be doing, not what they're actually doing.

 You're supposed to keep all your secrets from your wife. Meaning she's not really involved in your life. Optimistically she can be considered a courtesan. Explicitly barred from consultation on anything important. Sandwich lady. Since you work for the government, you're overpaid, so she probably nags you to hire a cook and nanny, and she won't even spend time with or on the kids. No sandwiches either. She exists purely to vent lusts upon...and she's probably not amazing at that, so the government agent has to look elsewhere even for this task. 

 You see how hideous government wives are, and you realize God is Just.

 You really do have to keep all your secrets from your children. What if they grow up to be blabbermouths? Have to wait until they're old enough to get clearances themselves. You can't talk to them about your work, and you certainly can't raise them to follow in your footsteps. Send them off with the nanny, because pedagogues (slaves) are obviously the best role models for your little darlings. As with your wife, you can't talk to them about anything of importance. Perhaps you can involve yourself a little in the trivialities of childhood. Naive, unrealistic toys. When work* *(real life**) **(the cult) permits.

  Every government wife is a functionally a beard for some kind of perversion or another. Any issue - which may or may not be yours, and really, who cares - is likewise nothing but knickknacks. 

 If they accidentally reveal any government secrets, it will be naturally and accurately traced back to you. Even if you do read them in, they will have to pretend you didn't. In other words, they will have to pretend to be trivial accessories adopted purely for public optics. 

 Further: any sexual shenanigans by the genuinely powerful could be used for blackmail (because they're kept secret) thus genuine national security risks, meaning classified at above top secret.
 (Instead of, you know, prosecuted or in any way deterred or prevented. What's even the point of black government power if you can't live out your most degenerate fantasies?)
 It's illegal for you to even know them, should one of the secret-keepers let anything slip. In other words Epstein's client list is at the library of congress. Everyone who matters can read it in plain text, probably with dates and in some cases with prices. Prosecuting anyone on it is more illegal than not prosecuting it, because it would mean publicizing classified information.
 Plus, you know, the prosecutors are all serial rapists and/or sex traffickers as well. It's not only not gauche, it's practically a requirement for seeking office. Nobody is going to pull on that thread.


 Unless you wife is also a minister (feminism), it means your wife and kids are not part of the cult. "All those other people are fools [including your own blood]." They're outsiders. Functionally, they aren't even human. Beastiality. "You give it up and just stop listening." "In effect, you will have to manipulate her." "what impression you want her to believe and what impression you want her to go away with." I.e. narcissist image managing. Remember, brains can't compartmentalize. If you start doing one narcissistic thing, without extreme discipline, you will end up developing the whole disorder. And narcissism is transmissible, especially to children.
 Which makes sense, since [cult] is the correct term for a cluster-B society. All cult members have personality disorders, and maintaining good standing in any cult means developing a personality disorder.

 For emphasis: the commoners are copying this family style on purpose. The commoners think government power is achieved by repeating rituals rather than through strategic assaults. "If I do exactly what they do, I will get exactly what they got!" If you had done exactly what they did, you would have achieved power, yes. Conditions have changed. Consolidating power, securing their shit, means closing the security hole they used to get in.
 Assuming you can see what they're doing, which you can't. You think Democracy means voting, lol. What you get by repeating the public facade of the rituals is narcissism. 

 Commoners love sending their kids to narcissism school because they want their kids to grow up to be narcissists like the celebrities they worship. "The neighbours and I are concerned. You're not abusing and demeaning your children the way big daddy goddy government does." "Teaching your scions useful skills? We don't do that around these here parts."  

 Extended family? Is...is that even a real thing? Either grandpa doesn't have clearances and can only prepare junior for being totally unlike daddy, or he also had clearances and the only thing of substance he can say is, "You'll understand when you're older, kid." 


  I assume some families do read their kids in or are simply too incompetent to keep it secret. Why is hunter.b so hunter? Because, "If only you know how fucked shit really is." Hunter concerns himself primarily with hookers and blow to drown out the knowledge of how stuff works, and to drown out the knowledge of what would happen to him if he told, say, assange. It's genuinely the most productive thing he can think to do, and it's hard to condemn that assessment. Every twitter personality would do the same if they weren't ignorant country bumpkins. 

  Come to think, the nature of the secrets is typically family-unfriendly, which is another major barrier to being a real person at home. "Yes honey, [[elites]] are primarily kept coherent by a system of sexual blackmail. For example, this one guy was caught..."

 The families that read their kids in on purpose are the ones you never hear about in the news. Not musks, not gates, not clintons, not sulzberger. The reading families are the ones who can silence anyone who hears a secret rather than anyone who tells one...and certainly without "whistleblower totally-random-but-convenient death" articles appearing anywhere.
 It is likely that their blood relations are themselves above top secret, though perhaps they don't go that far, due to streisanding. They are definitely secret in one way or another.

 P.S. Hollywood trying to slurp up all the 9s and 10s, because government agents kept looking at the hags they're married to and dying of jealousy. "I have to deal with this and some pleb gets to romance that? Fuck that noise!"
 It's guaranteed not to work, but admittedly I don't know what exactly goes wrong. For one, everyone in hollywood is plain at best...


rezzealaux said...

"For emphasis: the commoners are copying this family style on purpose. The commoners think government power is achieved by repeating rituals rather than through strategic assaults. "If I do exactly what they do, I will get exactly what they got!" If you had done exactly what they did,"

i am really bothered by this
it just dawned on me every single thing school has ever said, almost everything everyone ever has ever said, is explained like a ritual.
but even kids can see how a queue changes things.
and simply no one ever talks about these.

coincidentally yesterday i saw something really great from the other side https://youtu. be/1rev6UUbLUU&t=193

"You'll notice the underside shade of the yucca plant and some of the shadows being cast at the center are horizontal. That was a lot more fiddly and time consuming to do if I'd done it vertically. But if I'd done it vertically, the hatching lines would've gotten mixed up with the more vertical lines of the actual leaves themselves defining the shape. It would've just become a tangle of lines and we wouldn't be able to work out what line was for what purpose, it would've been a confusion. When we think what direction will we do our lines, we're thinking, what will bring clarity regarding the lines I've already drawn, whether they're other hatching lines or whether they're outlines."

to put a fine point on it: modelling things as rituals makes it impossible to coordinate with yourself. you know a lot of things, but each of them demands 100% of the brainspace, so they can never be loaded at the same time, not even if you gain brainspace, because rituals are in relative units and not absolute ones. and if you can't coordinate with yourself, coordinating with beyond yourself is beyond impossible.
and almost everything everyone has ever said models things as rituals.

i think this is why i like history and epics where major characters just appear or disappear one day. more broadly, this is the real value of multiplayer videogames.
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=er4CMhp6hqc

rezzealaux said...

that is almost everyone.
that is also me any time? i start trying to use my noggin. i try to turn things into rituals...
big ideas lately. yesterday? big idea and solved it after 6h. this one is past 6h and im still on it...

Alrenous said...

Ritualists can't cooperate because they don't know the [cooperate with you] ritual.

Typically they are slaves, they only know the [cooperate with government] ritual.