Monday, July 29, 2024

Bottom Line on Kingship

 The pay of a traditional king is below the cost of production.
 Consequently it is impossible to hire a good king. 

 You can hire a mad or stupid king, who can't do basic accounting.
 You can hire a corrupt king, who pretends to be a king but does something else, something personally profitable. 

 Crowns don't pay kingly wages, and consequently cannot attract persons of kingly worth.

 In large part this is due to traditional kingship being a form of black government.
 In a startling irony, crime really doesn't pay. Traditional kingship is a crime, and thus cannot and does not pay.
 Evil is stupid. You can only get stupid kings, as anyone non-stupid will be non-evil and will consequently ensure their non-king status.
 You could say it's because there's a ton of idiots who want to be king, producing a large supply and thus a low price. However, there is only a large demand for the job of black parasite king. Very high demand for eating without working. A responsible white kingship would have very low demand indeed. 

 E.g. assassination risk. When kings are real they very rarely rule for longer than ten years, and it's not because they retire peacefully. You can't quit the mafia (except Sulla). The Kaisar all the [[rightists]] admire so much ruled for less than a year, which makes sense given his especially parasitic blackness. Crime doesn't pay: by trying to avoid the law, Kaisar got himself extrajudicially executed. Whoops.
 Does kingdom pay price in the assassination risk? It does not. Nobody who is aware of the assassination issue, and simultaneously vaguely sane, would ever agree to be king.

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