Friday, July 19, 2024

Population Decline is Sacred & Hoe Math 2

 You can watch hoe math's levels video. Naturally, the levels are a pack of lies, as it was elaborated by Satanists.

 His basic point is that level 6s break the rules, but level 4s came up with rules for a reason. Technically, superficially, that's true. It's true that promiscuity is unsustainable, that mothers and fathers shouldn't fornicate and should stay together. 

 However, the reason the feminist argument flies at all is because it, also, is technically, superficially true. Patriarchy isn't only bad for women, it is bad for men. In a patriarchal society, not only does nobody care about women, nobody cares about men. They only care about the rules, and the rules don't care about you. The rules are set up by psychopaths to organize and regulate their parasitism of society.

 The fact homo is so hypocritical is largely due to the fact that in a level 4 society it's critically important to be superficially seen to be following the rules, but the rules, too, are unsustainable. Defective, deviant rules. To live you have to break them. The important part is merely not getting caught. 

 Put another way, while level 4 societies certainly superficially seem a lot more sustainable than level 3 societies, in practice you get feminism. You get sophism. You get the admonitions of ipuwer. The rules are only superficially stable. Enough work is put into them to remain upright just long enough that the psycho can go all, "I got mine." Designed to work for nobody to whom they apply, everyone constantly works to undermine the rules. The reason level 6s break the rules is because breaking the rules is plain good sense. The only substantial difference is that level 6s go around saying they're breaking the rules instead of working hard to pretend not to.

 However, level 6 Caino masochiens is self-hating too. They're still in the 99%, so their new personal made-up rules are even worse than the old ones. The reason the psychopath's callous self-absorbed rules could fly in the first place was that self-hating level 4s would cheerfully submit to them. More suffering more better. Then their Darwinian anti-suicide instincts drive the level 4s to go back on their word.
  Level 6s: "I'm not going to send my kid to school to be tortured by strangers where I don't have to see it. I'm going to homeschool, so I can torture them myself and meet the high torture standards this family upholds! My Darwinian instincts can't stop me! I'm level 6!" Such strong. Many brave. So admire. Wow.

 The rule that genuinely matters is that mothers and fathers need to love each other. Notice this rule can't be [enforced] as such. Upheld, maybe, but busting out a whip and smacking someone doesn't lead to them magically falling in love with a third party. 

 Parents need to love each other because children are 50% the dad and 50% the mom. If dad doesn't love himself and the mom, he will hate the kid. If mom doesn't love herself and the dad, she will hate the kid. The alternative is an abusive hellscape family, so finding a way to love in marriage is plain good sense. If you can't find your way to love, then don't have sex. Try someone else. 

 Bonus: women need to first transcend humanity before they can properly love another adult. Biologically, a woman loving a man makes no sense. It's a one-way street.

 If the parents hate the kid, it will grow up to be a psychopath or narcissist. (Occasionally borderline or histrionic.)

 You are here. 


 This is why population decline is sacred. All the potential parents who don't love each other are, extremely rationally, not having kids. Awesome. Divine. The alternative was genocide or ethnic cleansing based on fee-fee lines. You gonna execute parents and their entire genetic stock if they can't figure out how to love each other? "Cheated on your husband? Okay. Whole clan dies." The antiovulation pill is a gift from the heavens.

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