Monday, July 15, 2024

Again, All Women are Cheating

 Women have two fixed action patterns. Two ways to live their life. Wife, prostitute.

 All women are married to the government. If she's having sex with you, she's cheating on the government. If she isn't a nun, then she's in an open relationship.
 This is necessary because the government doesn't have a penis and can't satisfy her in bed. (Or at best doesn't have nearly enough penises for all the women it is married to.)

 "Marriage" at church or whatever  is renting her from the government, in a wife-swap style arrangement. If she gets bored she goes back to her legal partner. 

 Naturally, you can't have a stable relationship with an adulteress. Fixed action pattern: the longer she cheats with you, the more worried she is about her "real" husband coming home and catching her. There's no fixed action pattern for [open relationship], so it defaults to something that exists.
 This is big reason women do the [mystery zone] thing during the ""dating"" thing, demanding that you read her mind. If you can't guess that she wants to adulterate with you, she can go back to her husband, now can't she? Likewise if she has to spell it out, she risks you blurting something out in a sensitive situation, now doesn't she? The fact she can call on hubby government to beat up someone trying to 'take advantage' of her, having it both ways, is merely a bonus. If she didn't feel like she was cheating, plausible deniability wouldn't be particularly important. When prince charming physically sweeps the disney princess off her feet, nobody has illusions about what causing her to go horizontal is implying, but she doesn't mind because prince=government=real husband. The covert behaviour [[mysteriously]] vanishes.
 Cheating is naturally very exciting, and women approve of a society that permits and encourages them to [[cheat]] on their [[husband]] at every turn. The fact her "real" husband barely pays attention to her drives her batshit crazy (that and everything else) but they don't put 2 and 2 together. Or perhaps they do put 2 and 2 together, and it lets her viciously punish the person she hates the most: herself.

 Alternatively, she can disavow the government and be a prostitute. Support herself using the only service a woman can provide that's worth more on the market than it costs to produce. You can't have a stable relationship with a prostitute. Someone else will bid more at some point.
 It's also very expensive. If she's living at her parent's house and having sex with you, she believes she is your prostitute. Unless very stupid, she will be high-maintenance, as the tricks she turns 20-35 have to support her financially from 35-80 or whatever. Every year of a prostitute's time costs three years of her living expenses, plus any luxuries she can pull.

 Likewise, it doesn't make sense to shame a woman for being a slut. If a woman is having sex at all, she is a slut. Cheating on her husband (the government). Ran away from home (legalized behaviour) to work the streets.
 It is said that men can't stop having sex, because clown world opposite day. It's women who are addicted to sex and are changed by virginity and can't handle dry spells. If you think nuns aren't having sex it's because they git gud at hiding it.

 Rarely you find even-crazier-than-normal women who don't realize they are married to the government. If you are extremely lucky, their delusions can work out in your favour. E.g. they may falsely believe they will be socially or spiritually censured for divorcing you.


 This is related to the fact that tyranny/democracy inherently enslaves all the residents of its jurisdiction. Wife is, of course, a kind of slave. As is a daughter. Consequently, if you enslave a woman, she will treat you like her husband. The correct term for an unowned woman is [feral], like a dog that has learned to flee at the sight/smell of a human.

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