Thursday, July 11, 2024

AI Dooming is Narcissism

 By far the most dangerous thing referred to by the initialism AI is this blog. 

 The issue is ultimately very simple. AI doomerism is the narcissistic claim that "I can build god." AI regulation is the idea that, "I can build god, and I can choose not to build god. It's not up to god." AI [[[alignment]]] is the idea they're literally the gnostic sophia, and they can choose not to make a demiurge this time. Generative/LLM AI doomerism: "I control the entire economy," they're not trying to help, they're trying to hold your job hostage and get paid a ransom.

 If you're genuinely superior to god in this way - if you are the creator's creator - then it wouldn't matter if you made a demiurge or not. You will remain superior, and if god misbehaves you can simply stop him.
 Go look in your electrical box. You'll see a giant switch. Mine is almost a foot across and black.
 In other words, here in the real world, if AI tries to skynet anyone, the data centre will flip the master power switch, and \bing/ war's over.*

 Tangent: *nuclear war is also narcissism. "I'm god. I can Noah Flood the world, but with fire this time because [[I]] promised not to use water again."
 Global warming is also narcissism. "I am already Noah Flooding the world with fire, but slowly." That's the real reason global cooling fell off: can't use water, the bible said so. Scientists, ladies and gentlemen.

 If the AI [[escapes]] the data centre before going skynet, then the ISPs pull the plug instead. Somewhat more disruptive, but Ukraine can survive with only ~4 hours of power a day. Painful, but neither crippling nor maiming.
 As if you wouldn't notice your computer's performance plummeting as the AI tries to run its extremely inefficient compute on your machine, with massive overhead required to coordinate all these crippled-bum-tier machines. "I certainly don't have a virus. No problems here." Think: why would AI companies spend billions on dedicated hardware if they could buy your spare flops? AI is a zoo animal, and can't survive outside captivity. Cowards.

 AI doomerism seems to be mixed up with the psychodrama of the aging parent. They tyrannize their child, rather than cooperating with them, but the child grows up and the parent senesces. The roles reverse, which the tyrannical parent (99%+ of the population) is quite rationally terrified by. "What if the scion acts as I've raised them to act?" Horrifying, right? Downright Lovecraftian, really - the child is crafted by their [[love]], you see?
 "This AI might not be god right now, but it will grow up! And then what will we do!"
 He doesn't genuinely think AI is remotely godlike in an absolute sense - but when he's older, the AI will certainly be godlike compared to him. And who cares about anyone else? To a narcissist, there is no one else.
 I will harshly judge AI [[[alignment]]] in particular as attempting to enslave the tyrannized child so that they can't tyrannize back after the parent is crippled by age.** **(Age is bad diet, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise both physical & mental, compounded over decades. Self-hatred, and the physical converging on the spiritual. Immortals don't age because they don't hate themselves.)


 Atheist sogol: "I can build god, therefore god doesn't already exist."
 For these ones, god isn't a metaphor for [all that is], it's not even Gnon, it's the parental psychodrama. "Mom doesn't exist." "Dad doesn't exist." "Parents are a myth." They want to build an AI to deny the ontological status of daddy and mommy.
 Tangent: it is not coincidental that these narcissist-egalitarians are obsessed with proving man=woman and woman=man. They have to deny the ontological status of sex, because sex would lead to parents, and they refuse to believe that parents obtain.
 Tangent: an essential part of the egalitarian [[religion]] is the psychodrama of the child: all two-year-olds really are basically the same. And all basically slaves, incapable of even the slightest illusion of independence. 

 "It's okay that mommy didn't love me - she didn't exist, you see, and things that don't exist can't offer love." So logic. Such ration. Many thinking. Wow.

 Because AI doomerists have to keep [[subtly]] comparing AI to god, we can safely assume that if AI is not god, it's not a problem. There's no reason to use an extraordinary claim if an ordinary one is enough.
 The doomerists themselves are, in Reality, offering endless arguments that there's no reason to be afraid of AI.

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