Sunday, September 29, 2024

Knowledge is a Living Creature

 Specifically a symbiote, which can't live independent of a host.

 This is the core reason the dead, zombies, NPCs, cannot learn. Being themselves unalive, they cannot support the symbiote. It can attach to the brainlike growth the NPCs display, but it shrivels and falls off. 

 Some of you have seen this experimentally at the metaphorical water cooler. You can, with effort, inform an NPC of a new idea. The next day, they've forgotten all about it. The symbiote could not survive the hostile zombie environment. 

 Devout Satanists used to function by receiving broadcasts from Satan. Deliberately opening up a back door so they could be sockpuppeted. Acting with no understanding of their actions. Again, you have perhaps seen this experimentally. When you ask a Satanist why they've done something, they have to confabulate. They had no idea, because it wasn't their idea.
 Now they have to function independently...Biden is the most obvious result. Random, undirected behaviour, if they don't become all but catatonic. The less self-aware Satanists think they're still receiving broadcasts, their behaviour is to copy a past broadcast that vaguely seems similar to their current situation...which is still strategically random, but highly predictable if you witnessed the results of previous directives.

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