Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Afterlife Heaven is Superlatively Feminine

 Especially the version seen in books, e.g. narnia, lewis. It's a place where what you did doesn't matter, because daddy will fix everything. Only intent matters: if you intended to fruitlessly oppose daddy's plan, you aren't part of the plan. That is, only submission matters. 


 Many girls and women genuinely believe daddy or hubby is an omnipotent deity, infinitely rich. It's cognitively simpler - anything bigger or richer is transmuted to the biggest, richest thing. If you've seen a toddler, you may notice their muscles are often either 0% or 100%. E.g. they can't gently throw a ball, they either drop it on the floor, or throw it with all their might. If they flip a switch, they either can't flip it at all, or they use full power, and the switch has to be built robustly to prevent them from breaking it. All-powerful hubby is the cognitive equivalent. Bonus: this phantasm feels good. Epic hubby.

 One consequence is that these girls believe that if daddy doesn't give them anything, it's due to spite. There's no way he can't afford it, it can only be because he doesn't love them. Since here in Reality resources are finite, the girls often conclude they're very difficult to love. It's best for such a dad to be very distant, so his daughters have as few chances as possible to ask him for things, so he can always say yes (thus making her mad at mommy instead - "you don't love me like daddy does"). 

 Another consequence: it doesn't matter if she's a total airhead fuckup. It doesn't matter if she wants to be a policeman or a soldier. It's not like she can waste all of daddy's money, and he could make an invincible weightless bullet-shield if he loved her enough. Anything she can ask for is something he can provide. Women in the workforce are aware they're wastes of time and space, they just don't think it matters, because daddy always has more. If she spends all day on facebook or making tiktoks at the cafe, who cares? It's not like she was doing anything useful anyway. 

 In dating, these women think every man can be a trillionaire if he wants. If he's not a trillionaire, he must not care about women or must not be a man. "Daddy had infinite money, you're male like daddy is, you have infinite money too." They don't see themselves as asking for very much, they're just asking for what every man is capable of.
 Yes, it is easier to make marriages arranged than to try to disabuse pumpkin princess of these notions. Can't argue her out of something she wasn't argued into. She will think daddy doesn't love her if she notices her arranged marriage doesn't have infinite money, but them's the breaks. If you want to avoid that, have to infanticide the girl-childs.

 When these girls get their first inkling of the finite limitations displayed by Reality, they get very upset. They turn to Nameless doctrines, which promise a world beyond where all failures are erased. Where it doesn't matter how much of an irresponsible spendthrift you were in life, as long you said sorry or had [[faith]]. 

 For a masculine man, hell is being told nothing he does matters. Naturally, this is due to the same biological history, as seen from the other side. If you tell him everything he does will be erased, he's not relieved, he thinks he can't contribute and will be thrown out of the tribe or village for being useless. "I don't want anything from you except submission and praise." Deus ex machina is masculinity's worst nightmare. " want me to be a woman?" Some other dude is going to steal your wife and all your daughters. 

 A world where everything is perfect is a world with at most one man. A world where nobody can screw up, either because it's impossible or all bad desires have been erased, is a world where men are irrelevant. Yet another reason Fascism, as with all utopia, is inherently feminine. 

 A world with nothing wrong is a world where there's no reason to fight. Where fighting is impossible. For a contrary worldview, see valholl, called valhalla by cutesy valkyries. 

 As with everything women think they want, even women wouldn't like afterlife!heaven. Having to share one man among all of them? Almost never get to fuck? She never gets to see her man beat up another man? Yes, this is hell for women too, should the little darlings ever be manage to think it through.


rezzealaux said...


Foster said...

Indeed. Valhol is also a destination where not only did you die gruesomely to get there, but you know your soul will be destroyed as well fighting to the good fight at the end of this universes run. Only men would find this appealing.

Heaven's appeal is that you get a breather, but only a nithing would want that to last forever.