Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tyranny vs. Trump's Future

 You can go Bukele on washington TC bureaucrats. Yes, raping murdering child-sacrificing mob gangsters are about as bad as government employees. There's no physical reason even jello-men americans can't afford to deport every immigrant, then lock up 95% of the government and fire all the contractors and NGOs. 

 This would cause a turbo depression. Americans care about [optics], about appearance, not substance. In the long term it would be a great move. Necessary for survival, in fact. In the short term the catastrophic economic shock would make trump look worse than biden. It is likely washington would burn, nero style, and americans would genuinely think trump was worse than nero (imagining for a moment americans have any idea who nero was). 

 Due to the [optics] trump would be impeached for real. All the bureaucrats would be let out of jail.
 This would make things even worse. Americans would then find it impossible to flip-flop a second time. Jello man only gets one. 


 I've said it before: war crimes are the table stakes. Folk who burn flags can't fix america. If burning the geneva convention in effigy doesn't sound to you like a fun hobby for friendly people, you're nowhere near hard enough.

 If the DNC is too demoralized to cheat the vote properly and too scared not to let trump have da potus, it is likely trump will do nothing, because potus has no power. Nevertheless, a modest version of his platform will happen anyway. This will discredit immigration as a tool of self-immolation, and when trump is forced out due to term limits, they will find some new, fresh hell. 

 Tyranny is being supplied because tyranny is being demanded. The only reason springfield is complaining is that they're dying too quickly. Can't suffer if you're dead. Their Darwinian biology might even force them to respond in ways other than complaining or voting. They want to submit; opioid addiction is a choice - supply, demand. However they're warning that they'll soon find it impossible. 

 Heroin et al are great. They let you tolerate way more tyranny than you would otherwise be able to tolerate. Fentanyl is bad - you can't submit to tyranny if you OD. Sure your relatives mourn, and that's some extra suffering, which can't be rebelled against...but they just shoot up and forget you. Supply of suffering goes down. No good. 

 (P.S. "Oh noes I'm poor and have to turn to drugs." The Amish are even poorer, go fuck yourself. "I can't get a job." Consider who you're asking to be hired by. Clown world. Every american is a radical leftist, a Nameless One worshipper, no exceptions. P.P.S. Fentanyl is perfectly safe provided it's not being administered by an addict-phenotype or equivalent loser. Fentanyl use is eugenic. Disproportionately kills those who deserve to die...very unamerican.)

 See also, possibility: DNC does defraud the vote but jello man puts on some high-tech boxing gloves so he can pretend to have a violent response, which forces the issue anyway. 


 Maybe [[diversity]] goes back down to the 15% historical equilibrium. This will drive tyrannical innovation. There's no shortage of new forms of oppression. They overshot demand, so supply will contract. Temporarily. In the long term this new tyranny will also overshoot, voters will again respond far later than any sane person, and the ratchet goes round another notch.

 There's also the fact this will still cause a major depression. To first order approximation, the american economy is 100% bennies. The Fed wants to steal stuff from japan and canada and germany and give it all to washington insiders, but they're incompetent, so it leaks all over the country. If you shut down the bennies, you shut down the economy. Absent reserve currency status, america is a central am banana republic. GDP 19,000 per cap or so. Far-far leftists have fake jobs because they're physically incapable of providing real work; e.g. if they took STEM classes they would just fail. If they don't look poorer than the Amish it's the proceeds of crime.
 The correct play is to gently approach this 19,000 equilibrium, rather than attempting to do it suddenly and overshooting.
 Unfortunately, jello man is incapable of doing any such thing. Have to have a strong president with an adamantine vision for about ten terms or so, 20% of the total lifetime of the country. Whoopsie doodle. It's a good thing america founded explicitly so it can fall over, or you might think it was badly designed.

 I wonder what the jello man equivalent of the year of five emperors is. It's late in the timeline, but it hasn't happened yet, so the card is still in the deck. A DNC win will lock in that future. That one NYT poll is correct: there is a 100% chance trump will win the vote. However, elections are wars, they are not decided by voting. 

 The DNC absolutely wants to put every commoner deprecated-american into concentration camps. A DNC win will certainly embolden this sentiment. However, it is almost certain they're too weak and dispirited to do more than lock up a ricky vaughn here or there. That is: they tried lockdowns. They had to give up. Trump's going away, being a rich commoner - breaking sumptuary laws. Wrong social class, lol.

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